《威尼斯商人》作为威廉·莎士比亚喜剧创作的典范之作,其卓越之处在于构建了一系列具有深度剖析价值的角色群像尤其是角色杰西卡之塑造,不仅体现了个体反叛精神与对自由的执着向往,微妙地折射出对彼时社会规范及性别角色固有框架的质疑与挑战。文章通过解读杰西卡在面临性别伦理、亲子伦理和宗教伦理下的多重困境,触及伊丽莎白时代女性群体所共有的社会困境——她们在既定社会结构的枷锁与日益觉醒的个体意识之间的徘徊与挣扎。Merchant of Venice, a masterpiece of William Shakespeare’s comedic works, excels in creating a gallery of characters with profound analytical value, with particular emphasis on the character Jessica, whose portrayal not only embodies the spirit of individual rebellion and an unwavering yearning for freedom, but also subtly reflects a challenge and questioning of the societal norms and entrenched gender roles of the time. This essay, through examining Jessica’s multifaceted dilemmas amidst gender ethics, parent-child ethics, and religious ethics, touches upon the shared social predicament of women during the Elizabethan era: their confusion and struggle between the shackles of the established social structure and the increasingly awakened sense of individual consciousness.