Color filters are produced using semiconductor production techniques although problems with low yield remain to be addressed. This study presents a new means of selective removal using excimer irradiation, chemical etching, or electrochemical machining on the fifth generation TFT LCDs. The selective removal of microstructure layers from the color filter surface of an optoelectronic flat panel display, as well as complete removal of the ITO thin-films, RGB layer, or resin black matrix (BM) layer from the substrate is possible. Individual defective film layers can be removed, or all films down to the Cr layer or bare glass can be completely eliminated. Experimental results demonstrate that defective ITO thin-films, RGB layers, or the resin BM layer can now be recycled with a great precision. When the ITO or RGB layer proves difficult to remove, excimer light can be used to help with removal. During this recycling process, the use of 225 nm excimer irradiation before chemical etching, or electrochemical machining, makes removal of stubborn film residues easy, effectively improving the quality of recycled color filters and reducing fabrication cost.
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