急性踝关节扭挫伤为临床常见急性软组织损伤性疾病,中医学将其归于“筋伤”的范畴,病机在于气滞血瘀,选择神庭穴治疗符合《针灸大成·卷四·南丰李氏补泻》中“足取头”的原则。至骨针法是邹德辉老师以《灵枢·官刺》中“短刺”与“输刺”为基础,结合现代脑科学、肌筋膜链学说、骨膜学说等独创而来,目前已通过临床实践并获得良效。神庭至骨法作为其中一种,在多层次的信息传递和调整过程中发挥重要价值。现将从神庭至骨法选穴、操作和针效三大方面共同探析神庭穴治疗急性踝关节扭挫伤的机理,以期为临床工作者提供更多治疗思路。Acute ankle sprain is a common clinical disease of acute soft tissue injury. Traditional Chinese medicine classifies it into the category of “tendon injury.” The pathogenesis lies in qi stagnation and blood stasis. The selection of Shenting acupoint treatment is in line with the principle of “taking the upper part of the lower disease” in Acupuncture Dacheng · Volume 4 · Nanfeng Li’s Reinforcing and Reducing. Based on the “short thorn” and “lose thorn” in the Lingshu · Guan thorn, Professor Zou Dehui combined with modern brain science, myofascial chain theory, periosteal theory and other original creations. At present, it has passed clinical practice and achieved good results. As one of them, Shenting-Zhigu method plays an important role in the process of multi-level information transmission and adjustment. This article will explore the mechanism of Shenting-Zhigu method in the treatment of acute ankle sprain and contusion from three aspects: acupoint selection, operation and acupuncture effect of Shenting-Zhigu method, in order to provide more treatment ideas for clinical workers.