近些年来,随着中国教育体制改革的不断深化推进,素质教育受到了更广泛地关注,现如今幼儿园教育小学化发展已经成为教育界的一个热点话题。幼儿园教育向着小学化的方向发展,一方面能够对幼儿的知识储备进行必要补充,但从另一方面来看,这却与幼儿身心发展规律相违背,会使儿童产生厌学情绪,扼杀了幼儿的天性,对幼儿的身心健康造成了很大的伤害。鉴于此,本文运用文献研究法和访谈法对幼儿园教育小学化倾向展开研究,从课程设置、教育方法、教育管理和教育评价四个方面对幼儿园教育小学化倾向的现状进行描述,从幼儿园、家长、家园合作三个维度来探究幼儿园教育小学化倾向背后的原因,最后就这些原因提出相应的解决策略,以期使幼儿园教育回到正轨。In recent years, with the continuous deepening of the reform of China’s education system, quality education has received more and more attention. Nowadays, the development of kindergarten education in primary school has become a hot topic in the education circle. Kindergarten education develops in the direction of primary school. On the one hand, it can supplement the knowledge reserve of children, but on the other hand, it is contrary to the law of physical and mental development of children, will make children tired of learning, kill the nature of children, and cause great harm to children’s physical and mental health. In view of this, this paper uses literature research method and interviews method to study the tendency of kindergarten education to become elementary school, describes the current situation of kindergarten education to become elementary school from four aspects: curriculum setting, education method, education management and education evaluation, and explores the background of kindergarten education to become elementary school from three dimensions: kindergarten, parents and home cooperation. Finally, the corresponding solutions