较全面地回顾与阐述了气旋波动研究进程及研究方法,其中包括Bjerknes气旋模式,以及Bjerknes and Solherg(1922)提出的温带气旋生命循环和Petterssen(1956)对气旋温度结构的描述,并指出凝结潜热及地形对气旋发展的作用。还较详细地介绍了Petterssen(1956)气旋发展理论、倾斜涡度发展理论、来自准地转方程及位涡思考的气旋生成理论,以及高空超长波系统发展与高空急流加强有利于低层爆发性气旋发展的学术观点,为气旋的研究提供了历史研究背景、研究思想及方法。
In this paper,two cyclones which formed over the kuroshio area are analised. First, heat transfers through Sea Surface 900mb,850mb, 700mb are calculated. Then, we also calculate the eddy dnergy budget during period of the East China Sea Cyclone formed over kuroshio area. The analysis of eddy energy shows: The generation term of the eddy availiable petential enery assosiated with heat transfers through sea surface has maximum order of magnitude among each terms of the eddy energy equation of the East China Sea Cyalone. The Yalue of generation term over kurshio area is obvionsly more than that over the land or other sea regions. Thus,the heat transfers through kuroshio sea surface is very favourable for the generation of eddy availiable potential energy of the East China Sea cyrlones, the conversion from mean potential energy to eddy potential energy of the Cyclone increases with development of Cyclone. Its value is roughly as large as that of generation term later on. It makes a great difference with other weather systems.