《义务教育英语课程方案(2022年版)》旨在强调课程的综合性和知识的联系性,这一原则不仅为英语教学的改革和发展提供了指导,而且也为跨学科的学习提供了有力的理论支持。这篇文章详细阐述了如何通过跨学科的方式来提高英语能力,并且探讨了这种方法在义务教育阶段的重要性。此外,它还提供了一些理论和实践方面的建议。针对当前英语教师在开展跨学科主题教学时遇到的困难和挑战,本文提出了几点有针对性的思考和建议,以期为英语教师破解这一现实困境提供参考和借鉴。The English Curriculum Plan for Compulsory Education (2022 Edition) emphatically advocates for the strengthening of curriculum integration and the connection of knowledge, not only providing a road map for the reform and advancement of English curriculum, but also offering a solid theoretical basis for English interdisciplinary theme learning. This paper delves into the concept of English interdisciplinary theme learning, delving into its implications and fundamental idea. It further examines the role of such learning in compulsory education, as well as its theoretical and practical worth. This paper offers a few specific ideas and proposals to assist English teachers in resolving the difficulties and obstacles they face when teaching interdisciplinary themes, thus providing them with the necessary reference and guidance.