搜索到2175篇“ MESHLESS“的相关文章
An Effective Meshless Approach for Inverse Cauchy Problems in 2D and 3D Electroelastic Piezoelectric Structures
In the past decade,notable progress has been achieved in the development of the generalized finite difference method(GFDM).The underlying principle of GFDM involves dividing the domain into multiple sub-domains.Within each sub-domain,explicit formulas for the necessary partial derivatives of the partial differential equations(PDEs)can be obtained through the application of Taylor series expansion and moving-least square approximation methods.Consequently,the method generates a sparse coefficient matrix,exhibiting a banded structure,making it highly advantageous for large-scale engineering computations.In this study,we present the application of the GFDM to numerically solve inverse Cauchy problems in two-and three-dimensional piezoelectric structures.Through our preliminary numerical experiments,we demonstrate that the proposed GFDMapproach shows great promise for accurately simulating coupled electroelastic equations in inverse problems,even with 3%errors added to the input data.
Ziqiang BaiWenzhen QuGuanghua Wu
Numerical Simulation of Oil-Water Two-Phase Flow in Low Permeability Tight Reservoirs Based on Weighted Least Squares Meshless Method
In response to the complex characteristics of actual low-permeability tight reservoirs,this study develops a meshless-based numerical simulation method for oil-water two-phase flow in these reservoirs,considering complex boundary shapes.Utilizing radial basis function point interpolation,the method approximates shape functions for unknown functions within the nodal influence domain.The shape functions constructed by the aforementioned meshless interpolation method haveδ-function properties,which facilitate the handling of essential aspects like the controlled bottom-hole flow pressure in horizontal wells.Moreover,the meshless method offers greater flexibility and freedom compared to grid cell discretization,making it simpler to discretize complex geometries.A variational principle for the flow control equation group is introduced using a weighted least squares meshless method,and the pressure distribution is solved implicitly.Example results demonstrate that the computational outcomes of the meshless point cloud model,which has a relatively small degree of freedom,are in close agreement with those of the Discrete Fracture Model(DFM)employing refined grid partitioning,with pressure calculation accuracy exceeding 98.2%.Compared to high-resolution grid-based computational methods,the meshless method can achieve a better balance between computational efficiency and accuracy.Additionally,the impact of fracture half-length on the productivity of horizontal wells is discussed.The results indicate that increasing the fracture half-length is an effective strategy for enhancing production from the perspective of cumulative oil production.
Xin LiuKai YanBo FangXiaoyu SunDaqiang FengLi Yin
典型的无网格方法采用移动最小二乘函数(moving least squares,MLS)作为近似函数,但由于MLS不具备Kronecker delta函数性质,本质边界施加困难。LRPIM是采用径向基点插值形函数的无网格方法,本质边界条件无需特殊处理,可以直接施加,在保持高精度的前提下提高计算效率。将LRPIM应用于机械结合面接触问题的计算。根据位移连续条件推导了含接触特性的线性互补方程,建立了基于LRPIM的计算模型,采用线性互补算法利用数值积分计算了几种典型的接触问题,得到了接触面压力分布和接触变形,分析了插值函数形状参数和积分域尺寸对计算结果的影响。研究结果表明,插值函数形状参数α_(c)对接触力的影响较小,而形状参数q取-0.5~1.2时有较好的收敛效果;积分域无量纲尺寸a_(qx)、a_(qy)大于1.5时计算结果开始收敛,大于2.5时出现发散现象,取值2.1时收敛效果最佳。将计算结果与已有结果进行比较,表明本研究方法有较高的求解精度。
Unsteady aerodynamic noise prediction of contra-rotating open rotor using meshless method
The Contra-Rotating Open Rotor(CROR)design confronts significant noise challenges despite being one of the possible options for future green aeroengines.To efficiently estimate the noise emitted from a CROR,a three-dimensional unsteady prediction model based on the meshless method is presented.The unsteady wake flow and the aerodynamic load fluctuations on the blade are solved through the viscous vortex particle method,the blade element momentum theory and vortex lattice method.Then,the acoustic field is obtained through the Farassat’s formulation 1A.Validation of this method is conducted on a CROR,and a mesh-based method,e.g.,Nonlinear Harmonic(NLH)method,is also employed for comparison.It is found that the presented method is three times faster than NLH method while maintaining a comparable precision.A thorough parametric analysis is also carried out to illustrate the effects of rotational speed,rotor-rotor spacing and rear rotor diameter on the noise level.The rotor speed is found to be the most influencing factor,and by optimizing the speed difference between the front and rear rotors,a notable noise reduction can be expected.The current findings not only contribute to a deeper comprehension of the CROR’s aeroacoustic properties but also offer an effective tool for engineering applications.
Zhiliang HONGMeng SUHaitao ZHANGZerui XULin DULingfeng CHEN
针对含碳纳米管转向的Pasternak地基上功能梯度碳纳米管增强复合材料FG-CNTRC(functionally graded carbon nanotube-reinforced composite)板的屈曲问题,提出了一种基于改进Reddy型三阶剪切变形理论TSDT(third-order shear deformation theory)和移动最小二乘近似MLS(moving-least square)的无网格分析模型。该模型避免了无网格法第二类边界条件的施加困难问题,且能够满足中厚/厚板的自由表面条件,无需额外引入剪切修正因子。基于最小势能原理推导了弹性地基上FG-CNTRC板的无网格屈曲控制方程,采用完全转换法处理本质边界条件。通过基准算例验证了本文方法的收敛性及有效性,讨论了碳纳米管的转向角、体积分数、分布形式、地基系数、宽厚比和边界条件等对FG-CNTRC板临界屈曲荷载的影响。
AHermitian C^(2) Differential Reproducing Kernel Interpolation Meshless Method for the 3D Microstructure-Dependent Static Flexural Analysis of Simply Supported and Functionally Graded Microplates
This work develops a Hermitian C^(2) differential reproducing kernel interpolation meshless(DRKIM)method within the consistent couple stress theory(CCST)framework to study the three-dimensional(3D)microstructuredependent static flexural behavior of a functionally graded(FG)microplate subjected to mechanical loads and placed under full simple supports.In the formulation,we select the transverse stress and displacement components and their first-and second-order derivatives as primary variables.Then,we set up the differential reproducing conditions(DRCs)to obtain the shape functions of the Hermitian C^(2) differential reproducing kernel(DRK)interpolant’s derivatives without using direct differentiation.The interpolant’s shape function is combined with a primitive function that possesses Kronecker delta properties and an enrichment function that constituents DRCs.As a result,the primary variables and their first-and second-order derivatives satisfy the nodal interpolation properties.Subsequently,incorporating ourHermitianC^(2)DRKinterpolant intothe strong formof the3DCCST,we develop a DRKIM method to analyze the FG microplate’s 3D microstructure-dependent static flexural behavior.The Hermitian C^(2) DRKIM method is confirmed to be accurate and fast in its convergence rate by comparing the solutions it produces with the relevant 3D solutions available in the literature.Finally,the impact of essential factors on the transverse stresses,in-plane stresses,displacements,and couple stresses that are induced in the loaded microplate is examined.These factors include the length-to-thickness ratio,the material length-scale parameter,and the inhomogeneity index,which appear to be significant.
Chih-Ping WuRuei-Syuan Chang


研究主题:基本解方法 无网格法 无网格 自适应 正则化