尘螨是主要的过敏原之一,广泛分布于全球各地,尤其是在家庭环境中,屋尘螨、粉尘螨和热带无爪螨是最常见的种类。已知的尘螨致敏组分超过35种,其中Der p 1、Der p 2和Der p 23是主要组分。目前,临床主要采用粗提物进行皮肤点刺试验和血清特异性免疫球蛋白E(specific immunoglobulin E,sIgE)检测进行尘螨过敏的初步诊断,不能精确识别具体的致敏组分。考虑到不同地区和人群对尘螨的致敏蛋白存在显著差异,尘螨过敏原组分诊断在精确确定致敏组分方面显得尤为重要。这不仅对于过敏原的回避有指导意义,也对确定尘螨免疫治疗方案至关重要。为加强对尘螨分子诊断的认识并促进我国变态反应学科与国际接轨,本文对近期欧洲过敏与临床免疫学会发布的《过敏原组分诊断指导建议2.0》进行内容解读与阐释。
The two-spotted spider mite,Tetranychus urticae Koch,is one of the most harmful pests in many agroecosystems worldwide.To effectively manage this pest,there is an urgent need to develop novel bio-active acaricides that support integrated pest management strategies targeting T.urticae.In this study,we explored the acaricidal effects of xenocoumacin 1 (Xcn1) on T.urticae and its predator Neoseiulus californicus using the highly puri?ed compound.Xcn1 was extracted and purified from the cell-free supernatant of the Xenorhabdus nematophila CB6 mutant constructed by the easy promoter activated compound identi?cation (easyPACId) method.When the concentration of Xcn1 exceeded 100μg mL~(–1),the survival rate of spider mite adults declined to below 40%and the fecundity was decreased by 80%at six days post-application.At concentrations of 25 and 50μg mL~(–1),Xcn1 signi?cantly impeded spider mite development by inhibiting the molt.However,neither concentration had any adverse effects on the survival or reproduction of the predatory mite N.californicus.The results from laboratory and semi-?eld experiments consistently demonstrated the effectiveness of the antimicrobial metabolite Xcn1 in controlling pest mites at both the molecular and physiological levels.Our study offers a promising possibility that combines the compatible biocontrol agents of Xcn1 and predatory mites for integrated pest mite control.