Gestational trophoblastic disease is an abnormal proliferation of trophoblastic tissue during pregnancy. It occurs in women of childbearing age, although a few cases have also been observed in post-menopausal women, although it is extremely rare in the latter. Here we describe a rare case of complete hydatidiform mole in a 56-year-old female patient who presented with genital bleeding combined with nausea and vomiting and a gravid uterus 16 cm in height. The ultrasound findings and the increase in serum β-HCG to 182566.00 mIU/ml suggested a diagnosis of complete hydatidiform mole. Given the post-menopausal state and the future risk of post-molar gestational trophoblastic neoplasia, we opted for total hysterectomy without preservation of the adnexa via a transabdominal approach, followed by antimitotic treatment with methotrexate. The uterus measured 18.45 cm × 11.18 cm with intra cavitary vesicles. Microscopic examination showed chorionic villi of variable size and shape, most of which were dilated and oedematous, associated with trophoblastic cell proliferation and haemorrhage suggestive of complete benign hydatidiform mole. Follow-up showed a consistent decrease in serum β-HCG levels and no evidence of residual disease. A suspicion of gestational trophoblastic disease should be borne in mind when evaluating a patient with peri- or post-menopausal bleeding to avoid delay in diagnosis and treatment.
Julien BwamaDe-Joseph Kakisingi MibiNsenga Bin MusaJeff Andrea MboziDéborah Kambonesa SalireDieudonné KakusuChristine Amisi TinaAroni TotoTchass Chasinga BaharanyiDenis Mukwege MukengereOlivier Nyakio Ngeleza
本文报道了一例异位侵袭性葡萄胎患者的临床特征、诊断过程及治疗方案。其人绒毛膜促性腺激素(β-HCG)提示24335 m IU/mL、超声提示左侧附件区异常回声(不除外滋养细胞疾病)及病检示(宫内组织)分泌期样宫内膜,左输卵管及左宫角、左阔韧带病灶查见水肿的绒毛组织并伴有滋养叶细胞增生,多系葡萄胎;免疫组化提示p53(+)、p57(-)、HCG(+),人胎盘碱性磷酸酶(PLAP)(-)、Ki-67(高表达),组织学类型符合完全性葡萄胎,CD34及弹力纤维染色提示一处血管内查见绒毛组织,符合侵袭性葡萄胎改变,确诊为侵袭性葡萄胎。治疗上采用了以手术为主、辅助化疗的综合治疗策略。