针对超高速射武器弹药对高频高安全及高一致性点火的发展需求,基于半导体桥芯片点火技术,设计了一种新型钝感高瞬发底火。通过对比研究4种半导体桥芯片及其2种封装结构,选用斯蒂芬酸铅和亚铁氢化铅/高氯酸钾作为两级复合装药,优化形成了模块化结构的半导体桥底火样机。该底火满足了与弹药接口的匹配要求,并达到1 A 1 W 5 min不发火的安全性要求。发火性能试验表明,所研制的半导体桥底火作用时间不大于200μs,散布不大于30μs,与传统桥丝电底火相比瞬发度和作用时间一致性显著提高,综合性能更好。
In this paper,minimum-fuel rendezvous is investigated for the case in which the reference orbit is highly elliptic.To this end,the well-known Tschauner-Hempel equations are used to describe the relative motions between rendezvous spacecraft and the target.Lawden’s primer vector theory is then applied on this linear but time-varying system.The analytical solution of the required primer vector for this problem is then derived by using a recently developed method.For the existing non-optimal solutions which don’t satisfy the conditions,the methods are further designed to improve the performance by shifting impulses or adding a new one.Finally,two algorithms are developed for free-impulse time-fixed rendezvous problems.The first algorithm can determine the globally optimal trajectory with the optimal number of impulses.The second one enables for fast trajectory planning.The proposed algorithms have been successfully applied to coplanar and three-dimensional rendezvous problems in which the target is flying on highly elliptical orbits.