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【目的】明确黑水虻Hermetia illucens成虫触角感器的超微结构,探究其雌雄成虫对气味物质的嗅觉反应。【方法】利用透射电子显微镜观察黑水虻成虫触角感器的超微结构,再分别采用触角电位测量系统和Y型嗅觉仪测试雌雄成虫对异戊酸、乳酸、乙酸乙酯和壬醛4种气味物质的触角电位(electroantennogram, EAG)反应和行为响应。【结果】黑水虻成虫触角上的毛形感器表皮壁厚,壁上无孔,内部感器淋巴液中有神经树突;腔锥形感器腔内有多分支的锥形突起,锥形突起的表皮壁薄,壁上有微孔,内部感器淋巴液中有神经树突。EAG测试结果表明,所测试的4种气味物质在各浓度下都能引起雌雄黑水虻成虫明显的EAG反应,不同气味物质引起的反应随浓度变化呈现不同趋势。其中,雌雄成虫对异戊酸的EAG反应均最大,二者的EAG反应相对值均随浓度升高而升高;雌成虫对乳酸的EAG反应随浓度升高先升高后降低,雄成虫对乳酸的EAG反应趋势则相反;对于乙酸乙酯和壬醛两种气味物质的EAG反应,随着测试浓度的升高,黑水虻雌成虫的EAG反应呈现出先降低后升高的趋势,而雄成虫的EAG反应则各不相同且无规律。行为选择测试结果表明,0.001-0.1μg/μL乳酸对黑水虻雌成虫有显著的吸引作用,0.1μg/μL异戊酸对雄成虫有显著的吸引作用。【结论】黑水虻成虫触角鞭节上的毛形感器可能为温湿度感器,腔锥形感器可能为嗅觉感器。黑水虻雌雄成虫的触角均对高浓度的异戊酸比较敏感;低浓度的乳酸、异戊酸对黑水虻成虫具有一定的引诱作用,有作为引诱剂成分的潜力。
Enhancement of fruit byproducts through bioconversion by Hermetia llucens(Diptera:Stratiomyidae)
Bioconversion is a biological process by which organic materials are converted into products with higher biological and commercial value.During its larval stage the black soldier fly Hermetia illucens is extremely voracious and can feed on a wide vari-ety of organic materials.To study the impact of different fruit byproducts on the insect's growth,final larval biomass,substrate reduction,bioconversion parameters,and larval nu-tritional composition,10000 black soldier fly larvae(BSFL)were reared on 7.0 kg of one of three substrates(strawberry,tangerine,or orange)or on a standard diet as a control.The results highlight that BSFL can successfully feed and grow on each of these diets,though their development time,growth rate,and final biomass were differently impacted by the substrates,with strawberry being the most suitable.The lipid and protein contents of BSFL were similar among larvae fed on different substrates;however,major differences were detected in ash,micronutrient,fiber,fatty acid,and amino acid contents.Overall,the results indicate that fruit waste management through the BSFL bioconversion process rep-resents a commercially promising resource for regional and national agrifood companies.Our study offers new perspectives for sustainable and environmentally friendly industrial development by which fruit byproducts or waste might be disposed of or unconventionally enhanced to create secondary products of high biological and economic value,including BSFL biomass as animal feed or,in perspective,as alternative protein source for human nutrition.
Carmen ScieuzoAntonio FrancoRosanna SalviaMicaela TriunfoNicola Francesco AddeoSimone VozzoGiovanni PiccoloFulvia BoveraAlberto RitieniAntonio Di FranciaAmbrogio LaginestraEric SchmittPatrizia Falabella
Effect of the rearing diet on gene expression of antimicrobial peptides in Hermetia illucens(Diptera:Stratiomyidae)
Insect proteins have been proposed for human and animal food production.Safeguarding the health status of insects in mass rearing allows to obtain high-quality products and to avoid severe economic losses due to entomopathogens.Therefore,new strategies for preserving insect health must be implemented.Modulation of the insect im-mune system through the diet is one such strategy.We evaluated gene expression of two antimicrobial peptides(one defensin and one cecropin)in Hermetia illucens(L.)(Diptera:Stratiomyidae)reared on different diets.Analyses were performed on prepupae and 10-day-old larvae reared on cereal-and municipal organic waste-based diets and on only prepupae reared on a cereal-based diet supplemented with sunflower,corn,or soybean oil.The inclusion of sunflower oil at different points in the cereal-based diet was also evalu-ated.Moreover,diet-driven differences in the inhibitory activity of the hemolymph were tested against Escherichia coli DH5αand Micrococcus yunnanensis HI55 using diffusion assays in solid media.Results showed that a municipal organic waste-based diet produced a significant overexpression of antimicrobial peptides only in prepupae.Inclusion of veg-etable oils caused an upregulation of at least one peptide,except for the corn oil.Higher expression of both genes was observed when sunflower oil was added 5 days before pupa-tion.All hemolymph samples showed an inhibitory activity against bacteria colonies.Our results suggest that municipal organic waste-based diet and vegetable oil-added diet may successfully impact the immune system of H.illucens.Such alternatives may also exist forotherspeciesofeconomic interest.
Valentina CandianCarlotta SavioMarco MeneguzLaura GascoRosemarie Tedeschi
The Performance of Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFLs), Hermetia illucens L. (Diptera: Stratiomyidae), as a Function of the Substrate Used: A Review
Organic wastes are one of the greatest challenges that cities face worldwide. In numerous underdeveloped nations, like Cameroon, waste is often disposed of through landfills, composting, or open-air combustion. Unfortunately, the concept of waste sorting and organic waste processing is new to many individuals. This has led to an increase in the amount of organic waste and the costs connected with its management. Consequently, the majority of developing nations have sought out waste management solutions that are more cost-effective. Therefore, it has been determined that the bioconversion of organic wastes by black soldier fly larvae (BSFLs) (Hermetia illucens) into multifunctional prepupae is a viable alternative. Appreciation is given to the employment of the organic waste management approach in developing nations since it is not only environmentally friendly and economically viable, but also provides a means for waste valorisation through the production of diverse resources and potential economic benefits. Studies have proved the usefulness of the insect in controlling organic wastes, but countries such as Cameroon are still unfamiliar with the nuances of this method. Consequently, this timely review examined the performance of the BSFL, specifically in organic waste treatment, as well as the best practices for multiplying them to determine its viability for use in a waste treatment plant, the production of high-quality larvae as a source of protein for livestock, and the production of diesel fuel.
Marykathleen Agbornawbi TambeayukMarc Anselme KamgaOlalekan J. Taiwo
Black soldier fly(Diptera:Stratiomyidae)larval heat generation and management被引量:1
Mass production of black soldier fly,Hermetia illucens(L.)(Diptera:Stra-tiomyidae),larvae results in massive heat generation,which impacts facility management,waste conversion,and larval production.We tested daily substrate temperatures with dif-ferent population densities(i.e.,0,500,1000,5000,and 10000 larvae/pan),different pop-ulation sizes(i.e.,166,1000,and 10000 larvae at a fixed feed ratio)and air temperatures(i.e.,20 and 30℃)on various production parameters.Impacts of shifting larvae from 30 to 20℃on either day 9 or 11 were also determined.Larval activity increased substrate tem-peratures significantly(i.e.,at least 10℃above air temperatures).Low air temperature favored growth with the higher population sizes while high temperature favored growth with low population sizes.The greatest average individual larval weights(e.g.,0.126 and 0.124 g)and feed conversion ratios(e.g.,1.92 and 2.08 g/g)were recorded for either 10000 larvae reared at 20℃or 100 larvae reared at 30 C.Shifting temperatures from high(30℃)to low(20℃)in between(~10-d-old larvae)impacted larval production weights(16%increases)and feed conversion ratios(increased 14%).Facilities should consider the impact of larval density,population size,and air temperature during black soldier fly mass production as these factors impact overall larval production.
Chujun LiNicola F.AddeoTravis W.RuschAaron M.TaroneJeffery K.Tomberlin
【目的】明确黑水虻Hermetia illucens对金霉素菌渣的降解调控作用。【方法】选用同一天收集的黑水虻虫卵培育至3日龄幼虫,转入麦麸与金霉素菌渣不同质量配比(麦麸∶金霉素菌渣=1∶0,1∶1,2∶1,5∶1,10∶1和20∶1)混合养殖料中饲养,测定不同日龄黑水虻幼虫体长与体重,依据幼虫和养殖残料中金霉素含量计算不同日龄金霉素降解率。【结果】金霉素菌渣在混合养殖料中的含量对黑水虻幼虫体长和体重等生物学特征具有显著影响,且对不同日龄黑水虻幼虫对金霉素降解率产生显著影响。麦麸与金霉素菌渣不同质量配比混合养殖料饲养的黑水虻幼虫体长与体重在11日龄前随着日龄增加逐渐增加,13日龄时体长与体重出现下降趋势。麦麸与金霉素菌渣5∶1,10∶1和20∶1质量配比混合养殖料饲养时幼虫体长和体重大于对照(纯麦麸饲养组)。通过计算不同质量配比养殖料饲养的不同日龄黑水虻幼虫对金霉素降解率,发现金霉素初始含量是影响降解率的重要因素,麦麸与金霉素菌渣5∶1质量配比混合养殖料饲养的7,9,11和13日龄黑水虻幼虫对金霉素降解率分别为39.21%,68.94%,66.53%和68.26%,显著高于麦麸与金霉素菌渣10∶1和20∶1质量配比组。【结论】黑水虻能够减量化处理金霉素菌渣,养殖料中金霉素的初始含量对黑水虻幼虫生物学特征和对金霉素的降解率具有显著影响。
Application of Black Soldier Fly Frass, Hermetia illucens (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) as Sustainable Organic Fertilizer for Lettuce, Lactuca sativa Production
In recent years, black soldier fly (BSF) has been shown to efficiently convert organic waste into nutrient-rich larval biomass while generating frass as the main by-product. This work aims to investigate the potential of BSF frass (BSFF) as an organic fertilizer for agricultural production. BSFF was produced by recycling household waste using BSF larvae, and a portion was taken to the lab for physicochemical and microbial analyses before the field trial on lettuce growth and health. The field trial consisted of two doses of BSFF (15 t·ha-1 and 30 t·ha-1) and one dose of urea (0.214 t·ha-1). An unfertilized plot was prepared and used as a control, and the effects on lettuce growth were assessed using agronomic parameters while the health effects were assessed using parameters such as: the number of leaves affected per plant, the incidence of affection, the severity of the affection and the microbial analysis. BSFF exhibited acceptable physicochemical properties as an organic fertilizer. Its application improved the growth parameters of lettuce plants compared to urea and control. The application rates of 15 t·ha-1 and 30 t·ha-1 did not reveal any significant difference (p > 0.05). Further studies are therefore needed to determine the minimum applicable dose. The health parameters of the lettuce plants were slightly altered regardless of the treatment and the microbial analysis of the affected leaves revealed pathogenic microorganisms. We therefore recommend that decontamination methods be considered when producing BSFF as an organic fertilizer.
Daniel DzepeThéclaire K. MbendaGabrièle NgassaHervé MubeShaphan Y. ChiaYaouba AoudouRousseau Djouaka
【目的】研究环丙氨嗪对鸡粪中亮斑扁角水虻Hermetia illucens幼虫生长发育的影响及添加活性炭对环丙氨嗪的解毒作用。【方法】使用含不同浓度(0,0.1,0.25,0.5,1,2.5,5,10和15 mg/kg)环丙氨嗪的鸡粪分别饲养3,4和5龄亮斑扁角水虻幼虫,统计幼虫的生长发育(体重和死亡率)变化;在鸡粪中添加不同浓度(0,10,30,50,100和150 g/kg)活性炭饲养亮斑扁角水虻3龄幼虫,测定活性炭对其生长发育的影响以及对环丙氨嗪的解毒作用。【结果】在用含一定浓度环丙氨嗪的鸡粪饲养后,亮斑扁角水虻3,4和5龄幼虫均表现出体节伸长,停止进食,直至死亡。鸡粪中环丙氨嗪对亮斑扁角水虻3,4和5龄幼虫的致死中浓度(medium lethal concentration,LC_(50))值分别为0.18,1.39和6.45 mg/kg。在鸡粪中添加量为30~100 g/kg的活性炭可以显著促进亮斑扁角水虻3龄幼虫的生长发育,并且能够解除环丙氨嗪对3龄幼虫的毒性,95%有效剂量(95%effective dose,ED_(95))值为51.83 g/kg。【结论】随着亮斑扁角水虻幼虫龄期增长,其对鸡粪中环丙氨嗪的敏感性逐渐降低。活性炭可用于解除鸡粪中环丙氨嗪对亮斑扁角水虻幼虫的毒性,为生产上应用亮斑扁角水虻处理含环丙氨嗪的鸡粪提供解决方案。
One new species of soldier fly(Diptera:Stratiomyidae)from Guizhou,China
A new species,Odontomyia tani sp.nov.,is described from Guizhou,China.The diagnostic characters are figured and possible relationships are briefly discussed.The type specimen is deposited in Guizhou Academy of Forestry,Guiyang.
Zaihua YANGMaofa YANG
【目的】研究黑水虻Hermetia illucens抗菌肽HI-3对人结肠癌HCT-8细胞氨基酸代谢的影响,以丰富对其抑癌机理的认识。【方法】采用CCK-8法测定不同浓度(80,160和320μg/mL)抗菌肽HI-3对HCT-8细胞的抑制率;利用GC-MS进行HCT-8细胞代谢物测定,通过基于R软件的通路分析找出氨基酸含量差异最显著的氨基酸代谢通路并筛选出该通路靶标酶。320μg/mL HI-3处理HCT-8细胞后,利用酶活性检测试剂盒测定靶标酶谷氨酰胺酶(GLS)活性;利用RT-qPCR和Western blot技术分别对HCT-8细胞的GLS基因进行mRNA及蛋白表达水平的测定;利用生化试剂盒和ELISA试剂盒检测HCT-8细胞内谷氨酰胺和谷氨酸代谢通路涉及的重要代谢物谷氨酰胺(Gln)、谷氨酸(Glu)、谷胱甘肽(GSH)、α-酮戊二酸(α-KG)和ATP含量的变化。【结果】浓度为80,160和320μg/mLHI-3对HCT-8细胞的抑制率分别为33.85%±3.50%,46.26%±0.90%和55.53%±1.70%,且抑制率随HI-3浓度升高而增大。320μg/mL HI-3处理对谷氨酰胺和谷氨酸代谢通路的影响最大,其中氨基酸代谢物含量与阴性对照组(0μg/mL HI-3)相比差异最为显著;这一通路中的靶标酶GLS活性及其GLS的mRNA和蛋白表达水平均极显著低于阴性对照组;另外与此通路相关的重要代谢物Gln,Glu,GSH,α-KG和ATP含量与阴性对照组相比亦显著减少。【结论】浓度为320μg/mL黑水虻抗菌肽HI-3对HCT-8细胞谷氨酰胺和谷氨酸代谢通路影响最为显著,并能通过阻碍该通路来显著抑制HCT-8细胞的增殖。


研究主题:双翅目 英文 虻属 新种记述 DIPTERA
研究主题:水虻科 双翅目 英文 虻属 新种记述
研究主题:栖架 绵羊 地板 猪舍 底网
研究主题:双翅目 虻属 课程 普通昆虫学 舞虻科