作品数: 1被引量:0H指数:0
  • 所属机构:广西民族师范学院
  • 所在地区:广西 崇左市
  • 研究方向:文学


"Hunger Games" Feminist Narrative Resolve
"The Hunger Games" is a personal heroine to type "I" perspective to expand public narrative fiction. Female Characters in "see" in establishing their dominant position, while the male marginalization, and construction of the female consciousness. Personal type disclosed in the narrative voice has justifiably authority, but the female narrator in the narrative process will encounter all kinds of repression, the author let people keep their own voice, using the first-person narrative voice group spokesmen style, interior monologue strategy digestion Men authority, breaking the traditional patriarchal narrative traditions under the order issued roundabout way hidden female voice, access to authoritative narrative.