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作品数:8 被引量:4H指数:2


  • 8篇中文期刊文章


  • 7篇理学
  • 1篇生物学


  • 3篇ULTRAF...
  • 2篇SCAN
  • 2篇COMPEN...
  • 1篇电化学
  • 1篇电化学体系
  • 1篇电位
  • 1篇化学反应
  • 1篇化学反应体系
  • 1篇化学体系
  • 1篇恒电位
  • 1篇恒电位器
  • 1篇伏安
  • 1篇MV
  • 1篇MVS
  • 1篇ROCHE
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  • 1篇BIOS


  • 2篇中国科学技术...


  • 2篇邓兆祥
  • 2篇林祥钦
  • 1篇童中华


  • 4篇Chines...
  • 2篇Chines...
  • 1篇分析化学
  • 1篇化学学报


  • 1篇2008
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8 条 记 录,以下是 1-8
建立了一种超快扫速循环伏安仪器系统 ,应用高速AD82 9运算放大器设计组装了一个基于外部并联补偿方法的恒电位器 ,一个基于电流反馈补偿方法的恒电位器 ,并在阻容串联模拟池上分别考察了两种电路的性能。外部并联补偿恒电位器达到了 3.5MHz(3dB)带宽 (使用 1V振幅正弦波 ) ,最高扫速可达 0 .7MV s。电流反馈补偿单运放恒电位器达到了 10MHz(0 .4dB)带宽 (使用 1.43V振幅正弦波 ) ,因此预计将适用于 10MV s以上的超快电位扫描。
Undistorted Cyclic Voltammograms at Scan Rates up to 2.5 MVs^(-1) through Positive Feedback Compensation of Ohmic Drop
A circuit based on the current feedback operational amplifier was constructed to accomplish on-line ohmic drop compensation in ultrafast cyclic voltammetry. Firstly, its characteristics were confirmed experimentally on dummy cells. Then the reduction of anthracene in acetonitrile, a classical test example with very fast electron-transfer kinet-ics, was examined to prove them too. The results showed that this circuit could afford excellent ohmic drop com-pensation so that the undistorted voltammograms up to 2.2 MVs-1 scan rate can be recorded, and 2.5 MVs-1 if 5% error is tolerated.
Ultrafast cyclic voltammetry with asymmetrical potential scan
Based on the perfect ohmic drop compensation by online electronic positive feedback, ultrafast cyclic voltammetry with asymmetrical potential scan is achieved for the first time, with the reduction of anthracene acting as the test system. Compared with the traditional cyclic voltammetry utilizing symmetrical triangular waveform as the excitation one, the new method allows a simpler approach to mechanistic analysis of ultrafast chemical reactions coupled with a charge transfer. And perhaps more important, it also provides a way to eliminate the interference of the adsorbed product in dynamic monitoring. 2007 Zhi Yong Guo. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Chinese Chemical Society. All rights reserved.
Zhi Yong GuoXiang Qin Lin
介绍了一种判断电化学 化学反应体系热力学自洽性的新方法———“秩法” .结合实际例子描述了该方法的原理、计算步骤 .该方法充分利用矩阵“秩”的概念 ,由反应系数矩阵的“秩”直接判断出其中的独立组分数 ,并且仅当寻找到依赖反应时才需对有关方程进行求解 .因此 ,“秩法”概念上清晰、直观 ,且由于可以直接调用矩阵变换的子程序 ,程序实现也极为容易 .该方法对于电化学、化学及化工反应过程的模拟将非常有意义 .
The In-cell iR Compensation Using a Four-electrode System
A novel idea of in-cell iR compensation was proposed by using a four-electrode electrochemical system, which was consisted of two working electrodes, one reference electrode (RE) and one auxiliary electrode (AE). One of the two working electrodes was called the auxiliary working electrode (AWE), which was directly connected to the ground. Another working electrode was used as a regular working electrode (WE) for electrochemical testing. The reference electrode was set in a frit close to the AWE for potential sampling. The other electrodes, WE, RE and AE, were connected to a conventional potentiostat of three-electrode system for electrochemical measurements. A linear narrow electrochemical cell was designed for setting AE at one end and AWE with RE at another end, and setting WE in between AE and AWE. In this way, a positive feedback potential was generated at the working electrode from the solution resistance and the current flow in the solution. An formal iR compensation over 100%, as high as 500%, had been achieved without potential oscillation. The electrochemical cell design, the principle of the in-cell iR compensation, and the preliminary voltammetric characterization by using the redox reaction of ferrocyanide anions were reported.
Xiang Qin LIN Liang Dong FENG
Direct Electrochemical Evidence of the Dissociation and Adsorption Behavior of Acetonitrile at Gold Electrodes by Ultrafast Voltammetry
Ultrafast cyclic voltammetry was used to study the redox behavior of a gold electrode in acetonitrile. The direct electrochemical evidence of the dissociation and adsorption behavior of acetonitrile at gold electrodes was found. It could be stated that two consecutive redox paths are involved, each with a special adsorption state acting as the reaction intermediate. The mean value, obtained of the electron-transfer rate constant of the second path, was 1.3 × 10^5 s^-1 with a standard deviation of 0.24 × 10^5 s^-1.
Zhi Yong GUOXiang Qin LINYan Hui XU
An Integrated DNA Modified Dual-microelectrode Sensor Probe
A unique method for preparing a coaxial dual-microelectrode sensor by vaporizing the nano-thickness Au layer on the DNA modified carbon fiber micro-column electrode was illustrated. The dual-electrode showed particular merit for determination in biological systems.
XiangQinLIN LiPingLU XiaoHuaJIANG
Universal Electrochemical/Chemical Simulator Based on an Exponentially Expanding Grid Network Approach
A universal simulator capable of simulating virtually any user-defined electrochemical/chemical problems in one-dimensional diffusion geometry was developed based on an exponentially expanding grid modification of the existing network approach. Some generalized reaction-diffusion governing equations of an arbitrary electrochemical/chemical process were derived, and program controlled automatic generation of the corresponding PSPICE netlist file was realized. On the basis of the above techniques, a universal simulator package was realized, which is capable of dealing with arbitrarily complex electrochemical/chemical problems with one-dimensional diffusion geometry such as planar diffusion, spherical diffusion, cylindrical diffusion and rotational disk diffusion-convection processes. The building of such a simulator is easy and thus it would be very convenient to have it updated for simulations of newly raised electrochemical problems.