The stall mechanism of the NASA Rotor 37 is investigated through the analysis of the critical flow structures near the stall under the transonic condition. The performance of the rotor with Circumferential Grooves Casing Treatment (CGCT) is also studied based on the Reynolds-Averaging Navier-Stokes approach. The study finds that stall margin improvement can be achieved without significant penalty on the efficiency for the two CGCT configurations applied. The effects of circumferential grooves on the critical flow structures are studied through the analysis of the tip leakage mass and momentum transport that further re-veal the CGCT mechanism.
HUANG XuDong,CHEN HaiXin,SHI Ke & FU Song School of Aerospace,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China
采用由两方程k-ω模式推导得到的k-g模式数值模拟完整飞机构形的跨声速大迎角流场。由于k-g模式具有勿需使用到物面的法向距离、简单的源项和直接的边界条件等特点,可以方便地推广到包含复杂外形的多块网格系统。与雷诺平均N av ier-S tokes方程组的求解方法类似,k-g模式方程也采用显式R unge-K u tta方法进行时间推进,用中心加人工粘性格式进行空间离散。采用相同的方法数值模拟NA SA TN D-712翼身组合体标模迎角为12.5°和26.2°的流场来检验程序的可靠性,与可获得的实验数据进行对比分析并获得满意结果。与此同时,还使用了B a ldw in-Lom ax代数模式以作比较。