The explicit mapping method is used to analyze the nonlinear dynamical behavior for cascade in isotropic turbulence. This deductive scale analysis is shown to provide the first visual evidence of the celebrated Richardson-Kolmogorv cascade, and reveals in particular its multiscale character based on the statistical solutions of Navier-Stokes equations. The results also indicate that the energy cascading process has remarkable similarities with the deterministic construction rules of the logistic map. Cascade of period-doubling bifurcations have been seen in this isotropic turbulent system that exhibit chaotic behavior. The "cascade" appears as an infinite sequence of period-doubling bifurcations.
We derive the entropy functions whose local equilibria are suitable to recover the Euler-like equations in the framework of the lattice Boltzmann method. Numerical examples are also given, which are consistent with the above theoretical arguments. In all cases, we observe a negative entropy range existing near the shock, while numerical oscillations are captured.
In this paper, we present an extensive study of the linearly forced isotropic turbulence. By using analytical method, we identify two parametric choices, of which they seem to be new as far as our knowledge goes. We prove that the underlying nonlinear dynamical system for linearly forced isotropic turbulence is the general case of a cubic Lienard equation with linear damping. We also discuss a FokkerPlanck approach to this new dynamical system, which is bistable and exhibits two asymmetric and asymptotically stable stationary probability densities.
The Galilean invariance and the induced thermo-hydrodynamics of the lattice Boltzmann Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook model are proposed together with their rigorous theoretical background. From the viewpoint of group invariance, recovering the Galilean invariance for the isothermal lattice Boltzmann Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook equation (LBGKE) induces a new natural thermal-dynamical system, which is compatible with the elementary statistical thermodynamics.
Theoretical results on the scaling properties of turbulent velocity fields are reported in this letter.Based on the Kolmogorov equation and typical models of the second-order statistical moments (energy spectrum and the second-order structure function),we have studied the relative scaling using the ESS method.It is found that the relative EES scaling exponent Sis greater than the real or theoretical inertial range scaling exponentξ,which is attributed to an evident bump in the ESS range.
Shuxiao Wan,and Zheng Ran~(a) Shanghai Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,Shanghai University,Shanghai 200072,China
The starting point for this paper lies in the results obtained by Tatsumi (2004) for isotropic turbulence with the self-preserving hypothesis. A careful consideration of the mathematical structure of the one-point velocity distribution function equation obtained by Tatsumi (2004) leads to an exact "analysis of all possible cases and to all admissible solutions of the problem. This paper revisits this interesting problem from a new point of view, and obtains a new complete set of solutions. Based on these exact solutions, some physically significant consequences of recent advances in the theory of homogenous statistical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations are presented. The comparison with former theory was also made. The origin of non-Caussian character could be deduced from the above exact solutions.