Based on a new efficient identification technique of active constraints introduced in this paper, a new sequential systems of linear equations (SSLE) algorithm generating feasible iterates is proposed for solving nonlinear optimization problems with inequality constraints. In this paper, we introduce a new technique for constructing the system of linear equations, which recurs to a perturbation for the gradients of the constraint functions. At each iteration of the new algorithm, a feasible descent direction is obtained by solving only one system of linear equations without doing convex combination. To ensure the global convergence and avoid the Maratos effect, the algorithm needs to solve two additional reduced systems of linear equations with the same coefficient matrix after finite iterations. The proposed algorithm is proved to be globally and superlinearly convergent under some mild conditions. What distinguishes this algorithm from the previous feasible SSLE algorithms is that an improving direction is obtained easily and the computation cost of generating a new iterate is reduced. Finally, a preliminary implementation has been tested.
This paper presents a quadratically approximate algorithm framework (QAAF) for solving general constrained optimization problems, which solves, at each iteration, a subproblem with quadratic objective function and quadratic equality together with inequality constraints. The global convergence of the algorithm framework is presented under the Mangasarian-Fromovitz constraint qualification (MFCQ), and the conditions for superlinear and quadratic convergence of the algorithm framework are given under the MFCQ, the constant rank constraint qualification (CRCQ) as well as the strong second-order sufficiency conditions (SSOSC). As an incidental result, the definition of an approximate KKT point is brought forward, and the global convergence of a sequence of approximate KKT points is analysed.