This paper discusses admissibilities of estimators in a class of linear models,which include the following common models:the univariate and multivariate linear models,the growth curve model,the extended growth curve model,the seemingly unrelated regression equations,the variance components model,and so on.It is proved that admissible estimators of functions of the regression coefficient β in the class of linear models with multivariate t error terms,called as Model II,are also ones in the case that error terms have multivariate normal distribution under a strictly convex loss function or a matrix loss function.It is also proved under Model II that the usual estimators of β are admissible for p 2 with a quadratic loss function,and are admissible for any p with a matrix loss function,where p is the dimension of β.
YANG GuoQing 1 & WU QiGuang 2 1 Department of Mathematics,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China
In this paper, we propose a new estimate for dimension reduction, called the weighted variance estimate (WVE), which includes Sliced Average Variance Estimate (SAVE) as a special case. Bootstrap method is used to select the best estimate from the WVE and to estimate the structure dimension. And this selected best estimate usually performs better than the existing methods such as Sliced Inverse Regression (SIR), SAVE, etc. Many methods such as SIR, SAVE, etc. usually put the same weight on each observation to estimate central subspace (CS). By introducing a weight function, WVE puts different weights on different observations according to distance of observations from CS. The weight function makes WVE have very good performance in general and complicated situations, for example, the distribution of regressor deviating severely from elliptical distribution which is the base of many methods, such as SIR, etc. And compared with many existing methods, WVE is insensitive to the distribution of the regressor. The consistency of the WVE is established. Simulations to compare the performances of WVE with other existing methods confirm the advantage of WVE.
ZHAO JunLong1 & XU XingZhong2 1 Department of Mathematics, Beihang University