A microwave reflectometry system operating in the V-band frequency with extraor- dinary mode polarization has been developed on the EAST tokamak. The reflectometry system, using a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) source driven by an arbitrary waveform generator with high temporal resolution, can operate for the density profile measurement. The result of the bench test shows that the output frequency of the VCO has a linear dependence on time. The dispersion of reflectometry system is determined and reported in this paper. The evolution of a pedestal density profile during the L-H transition is observed by the reflectometry in H-mode discharges on EAST tokamak. A frequency synthesizer is used to replace the VCO as microwave source for density fluctuation measurements. The level of density fluctuation in the pedestal shows an abrupt decrease when the plasma enters into H-mode. A coherent mode with a frequency of about 100 kHz is observed and the mode frequency decreases gradually as the pedestal evolves.
Pedestal plasma turbulence was experimentally studied by microwave reflectometry on EAST tokamak. The characteristics of edge pedestal turbulence during dithering L-H transition, ELM-free H-mode phase and inter-ELM phase have recently been studied on EAST. An edge spatial structure of density fluctuation and its dithering temporal evolution is observed for the first time on the EAST tokamak during the L-H transition phase. A coherent mode usually appears during the ELM-free phase prior to the first ELM on EAST tokamak. The mode frequency gradually decreases as the pedestal evolves. Analysis shows that the coherent mode is in the pedestal region inside the separatrix. In plasma with type-III ELMs, a precursor mode before ELM is usually observed. The frequency of the precursor was initially about 150 kHz and gradually decreased till the next ELM. The mode amplitude increases or shows saturation before ELM. In the plasma with compound ELMs composed of high and low frequency ELMs, the precursor was also observed before the high frequency ELM while the harmonic oscillations with frequencies of 20 kHz, 40 kHz and 60 kHz appear before the low frequency ELM.
An upgraded infrared (IR) imaging system which provides a wide field of view (FOV) has been installed on the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) to monitor the surface temperatures on plasma facing components. Modified magnetic topology induced by lower hybrid wave (LHW) can lead to the formation of striated heat flux (SHF} on divertor plates which can be clearly observed by IR camera. In this paper, LHW power modulation is applied to analyze the appearance of SHF. It is also demonstrated that deuterium (D) pellet injection and supersonic molecular beam injection (SMBI) can to some extent reduce the heat flux on the outer strike point (OSP), but enhance the SHF on lower outer plates (LOP) of divertor. This may provide an optional approach to actively control the distribution of heat flux on diveror plates, which can protect materials from long duration high-heat flux.
This paper reports for the first time an experimental study on the power deposition profile of the ion cyclotron range frequencies (ICRF) power depositing on electrons in HT-7. The fast Fourier transform (FFT) analysis and the break in slope (BIS) method are utilized to obtain the information of the power deposition. The results indicate that the electrons were heated directly, and the electrons absorbed around 20% of the input power of the discharge of interest.