Using the data measured by energetic particle detector on board CBERS-01 and -02 for the past five years, statistics was made to show the general features of MeV electrons and protons along a solar synchronous orbit at an altitude of 780 km. This height is in the bottom region of the Earth's radiation belts. Detectors are inside the satellite cabinet and such continuous monitoring of particle radiation environment inside a satellite has seldom conducted so far. After a proper and careful treatment, it is indicated that the data inside satellite are well correlated with the radiation environment outside. Be-sides the agreement of the general distribution characteristics of energetic electrons and protons with similar observations from other satellites, attention is particularly paid to the disturbed conditions. Variations of particle fluxes are closely related with solar proton events, in general, electron fluxes of outer belt are well correlated with Dst index after three days' delay while the electron injection occurred almost at the same day during great magnetic storms. It is confirmed that both energetic electrons and protons appear in the Polar Cap region only after the solar proton events.
TIME-IGGCAS(Theoretical Ionospheric Model of the Earth in Institute of Geology and Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences)模式是我们在前人工作的基础上完善的一个中低纬理论电离层模式.本文把该模式的结果与其他一些有代表性的经验模式和多种观测数据作了详细的对比.比较结果表明:TIME-IGGCAS模式模拟的电子浓度、电子离子温度在数量级上均与经验模型和观测符合得较好,在地方时变化、纬度变化、季节变化这些变化形态上也符合得较好,并且模式能很好地模拟出赤道异常、冬季异常和半年异常这些电离层异常,这为我们进一步开发电离层数据同化模式奠定了良好的基础.无论是与经验模式还是与观测相比,TIME-IGGCAS模式均低估了电子温度而高估了离子温度,模式在日出日落时段和在低高度模拟的偏差较大,这些结果为我们以后进一步完善模式、改善模式的模拟能力提供了参考。