为最小化能耗带来的花费,考虑到用户的需求,研究一种结合无线基站、可再生能源和电力网的综合优化绿色通信模型。提出一种基于基站供电环境历史数据(如可再生能源产电量、电价、无线负载)的自适应电源管理方案APM(adaptive power management)。仿真结果表明,自适应电源管理方案能够在考虑基站功耗的前提下,很好地适应供电环境,根据供电化境的变化,自适应调整供电方案,减少了购电花费和CO2的排放。
This paper proposes an environment-aware best- retransmission count selected optimization control scheme over IEEE 802.11 multi-hop wireless networks. The proposed scheme predicts the wireless resources by using statistical channel state and provides maximum retransmission count optimization based on wireless channel environment state to improve the packet delivery success ratio. The media access control (MAC) layer selects the best-retransmission count by perceiving the types of packet loss in wireless link and using the wireless channel charac- teristics and environment information, and adjusts the packet for- warding adaptively aiming at improving the packet retransmission probability. Simulation results show that the best-retransmission count selected scheme achieves a higher packet successful delivery percentage and a lower packet collision probability than the corresponding traditional MAC transmission control protocols.