For high-steep slopes in hydropower engineering, damage can be induced or accumulated due to a seriesof human or natural activities, including excavation, dam construction, earthquake, rainstorm, rapid riseor drop of water level in the service lifetime of slopes. According to the concept that the progressivedamage (microseismicity) of rock slope is the essence of the precursor of slope instability, a microseismicmonitoring system for high-steep rock slopes is established. Positioning accuracy of the monitoringsystem is tested by fixed-position blasting method. Based on waveform and cluster analyses of microseismicevents recorded during test, the tempo-spatial distribution of microseismic events is analyzed.The deformation zone in the deep rock masses induced by the microseismic events is preliminarilydelimited. Based on the physical information measured by in situ microseismic monitoring, an evaluationmethod for the dynamic stability of rock slopes is proposed and preliminarily implemented bycombining microseismic monitoring and numerical modeling. Based on the rock mass damage modelobtained by back analysis of microseismic information, the rock mass elements within the microseismicdamage zone are automatically searched by finite element program. Then the stiffness and strengthreductions are performed on these damaged elements accordingly. Attempts are made to establish thecorrelation between microseismic event, strength deterioration and slope dynamic instability, so as toquantitatively evaluate the dynamic stability of slope. The case studies about two practical slopes indicatethat the proposed method can reflect the factor of safety of rock slope more objectively. Numericalanalysis can help to understand the characteristics and modes of the monitored microseismic events inrock slopes. Microseismic monitoring data and simulation results can be used to mutually modify thesensitive rock parameters and calibrate the model. Combination of microseismic monitoring and numericalsimulation provides a more objective