A detailed landslide susceptibility map was produced in the Youfang catchment using logistic regression method with datasets developed for a geographic information system(GIS).Known as one of the most landslide-prone areas in China, the Youfang catchment of Longnan mountain region,which lies in the transitional area among QinghaiTibet Plateau, loess Plateau and Sichuan Basin, was selected as a representative case to evaluate the frequency and distribution of landslides.Statistical relationships for landslide susceptibility assessment were developed using landslide and landslide causative factor databases.Logistic regression(LR)was used to create the landslide susceptibility maps based on a series of available data sources: landslide inventory; distance to drainage systems, faults and roads; slope angle and aspect; topographic elevation and topographical wetness index, and land use.The quality of the landslide susceptibility map produced in this paper was validated and the result can be used fordesigning protective and mitigation measures against landslide hazards.The landslide susceptibility map is expected to provide a fundamental tool for landslide hazards assessment and risk management in the Youfang catchment.
The paper attempts to represent a case of repeated failures on a high cut slope due to multi-excavation. The characteristics of each failure induced by excavation are analyzed through geological investigation, and then a geological model at different failure stages is proposed. The geological analysis shows that the excavation-induced repeated failures are related to the exposure of the weak bedding plane and the toe unloading of the cut slope, Numerical modeling is conducted based on a sequential method, taking into account the main failure stages of cut slope. The simulation results fairly coincide with the practical phenomena observed in field. It is shown that the decrease in normal stress of displaced mass on cut slope will induce the increase in shear stress in bedding planes and that at the toe of the cut slope. The released stress leads to repeated gravitational instabilities of cut slope due to the decrease in normal stress and the increase in shear stress along the bedding planes of mudstone.
Fanyu ZhangGao LiuWenwu ChenShouyun LiangRansheng ChenWenfeng Han
普遍认为黄河上游积石峡地区厚约30m的纹泥沉积是由于大型滑坡堵江形成的,然而,滑坡堵江时代以及堵江形成的堰塞湖纹泥沉积历时仍有争议。为了探讨研究区大型滑坡堵江时代及纹泥沉积历程,文中在纹泥底部和顶部各采集1个样品进行14C年代测定。纹泥底部样品的14C年代为9016±425 cal a B.P.,纹泥顶部样品的14C年代为7984±334 cal a B.P.。研究结果表明:黄河上游积石峡地区曾在全新世早期距今约9ka左右发生过大型堵江事件,纹泥沉积的沉积历程约为1ka,这与前人利用纹泥层厚度估算的沉积历程相吻合。该研究可为下游地区第四纪时期文明演化的研究提供一些新的参考。