针对我国二元经济和地区异质的特征,采用G in i系数分析了在1993、1998、2003年居民收入差异的结构及其变化情况。首先将全国、各地带和省份的居民收入差异分别分解为城乡之间和内部差异;其次将全国城镇和农村居民收入差异进一步分解为沿海、中部和西部的三大地带以及各省份的收入差异,继而分析各地带差异对总的收入差异的贡献率。最后,基于分析结果,文章强调政府在制订协调城乡居民收入政策时需要更多的关注城乡之间差异、农村居民收入差异以及沿海地区的居民收入差异,并应将政策制订的视角关注在较低集聚层次上。
This paper uses GDP per capita,rural per capita net income and urban per capita disposable income to depict Chinese regional economic development,based on which,the inequality index GEM and polarization index TW are applied to analyze the evolution of inequality and polarization of economic development on the aggregation level of nation,belt and province from 1993 to 2003.According to the results,the paper proposes that the government should be concerned about the inequality and polarization of regional economic development simultaneously.When measures are made to decrease the national inequality,that in coast region should be concerned especially.Moreover,polices applied to reduce disparities should be made on lower level.