A cDNA library was constructed end characterized from the pulp of Cera Care navel orange (Citrus sinensis Osbeck) at different stages of ripening. Tittering results revealed that approximately 5.086×10^5 independent clones were included in this library. Electrophoresls gel results of 15 randomly selected clones revealed that the size of the insertion fragments ranged from 400 bp to 2 kb, with an average size of 900 bp. Sequencing results of 150 randomly picked clones showed that the recombination rate was 94%. During subsequent sequence analysis, 41 of 139 clones failed to be identified end the amino sequence of 71 clones shared less than 30% identity with related plants in GenBank. Of 27 clones whose amino sequences shared more than 60% identity with other related plants in GenBenk, 17 clones showed an 80% identity with the corresponding candidate genes of citrus. The clone recognized as the type Ⅲ metallothlonein-llke (MT) gene was observed to occur 13 tlmes, Indlcatlng that the protein may play an important role In frult development and rlpenlng.
Cili (Rosa roxburghii Tratt) is of great interest due to its high content of vitamin C, very high superoxide d...
By X. P. WEN, X. M. PANG and X. X. DENG National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China Bioengineering Center, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China
Chloroplast simple sequence repeat (cpSSR) markers in Citrus were developed and successfully used to analyze chloroplast genome inheritance of Citrus somatic hybrids. Twenty-two previously reported cpSSR primer pairs from pine (Pinus thunbergii Parl.), rice (Otyza sativa L.) and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) were tested in Citrus, nine of which could amplify intensive PCR products by agarose gel electrophoresis. Chloroplast genome inheritance of Citrus somatic hybrids from nine fusions was then analyzed, and five of the nine pre-screened primer pairs showed polymorphisms by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The results revealed the random inheritance nature of chloroplast genome in all analyzed Citrus somatic hybrids, which was in agreement with previous reports based on RFLP or CAPS analyses. It was also shown that cpSSR is a more efficient tool in chloroplast genome analyses of somatic hybrids in higher plants, compared with the conventional RFLP or CAPS analyses.