In this paper, we describe quasinormal modes(QNMs) for gravitational perturbations of Einstein-GaussBonnet black holes(BHs) in higher dimensional spacetimes, and derive the corresponding parameters of such black holes in three types of spacetime(flat, de Sitter(d S) and anti-de Sitter(Ad S)). Our attention is concentrated on discussing the(in)stability of Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet Ad S BHs through the temporal evolution of all types of gravitational perturbation fields(tensor, vector and scalar). It is concluded that the potential functions in vector and scalar gravitational perturbations have negative regions, which suppress quasinormal ringing. Furthermore,the influences of the Gauss-Bonnet coupling parameter α, the number of dimensions n and the angular momentum quantum number l on the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet Ad S BHs quasinormal spectrum are analyzed. The QNM frequencies have greater oscillation and lower damping rate with the growth of α. This indicates that QNM frequencies become increasingly unstable with large α. Meanwhile, the dynamic evolutions of the perturbation field are compliant with the results of computation from the Horowitz and Hubeny method. Because the number of extra dimensions is connected with the string scale, the relationship between α and properties of Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet Ad S BHs might be beneficial for the exploitation of string theory and extra-dimensional brane worlds.
In this paper, we study the gravitational quasi-normal modes(QNMs) for a static R^2 black hole(BH) in Anti-de Sitter(AdS) spacetime. The corresponding master equation of odd parity is derived and the QNMs are evaluated by the Horowitz and Hubeny method. Meanwhile the stability of such BH is also discussed through the temporal evolution of the perturbation field. Here we mainly consider the coefficient λ, which is related to the radius of AdS black hole, on the QNMs of the R^2 AdS BH. The results show that the Re(ω) and |Im(ω)| of the QNMs increase together as |λ| increases for a given angular momentum number l. That indicates with a larger value of |λ| the corresponding R^2 AdS BH returns to stable much more quickly. The dynamic evolution of the perturbation field is consistent with the results derived by the Horowitz and Hubeny method. Since in the conformal field theory the QNMs can reflect its approach to equilibrium, so our related results could be referential to studies of the AdS/CFT conjecture. The relationship between λ and the properties of the static R^2 BH might be helpful for the development of R^2 gravitational theory.