One new species of the genus Alulatettix Liang, Alulatettix ochrotibis Deng and Zheng, sp. nov. is described. Type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Shaanxi Normal University, China.
A new species in the genus Austrohancockia Gtinther, Austrohancockia undatimarginis Deng & Zheng sp. nov. is described from Damingshan National Nature Reserve in Guangxi, China. The type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an, China.
A new species of the genus Macromotettixoides Zheng, Macromotettixoides undulatifemura sp. nov. is described from the Emeishan Area of Sichuan, China. Type specimens are deposited at the Institute of Zoology, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an, China.
记述首次发现的广西镰蚱Falconius guangxiensis Zheng et Jiang雌性.广西镰蚱雌性近似于波股镰蚱Falconius undatifemura Zheng et Wang,2006,主要的区别:1)头顶宽为一眼宽的2倍;2)颜面隆起纵沟,狭于触角基节宽;3)前胸背板中隆线完整;4)前胸背板后突超过后足胫节顶端;5)前翅能见部分的宽度为中足股节宽度的1.5倍;6)前、中足股节的下缘近平直,不具明显的突起.标本保存在河池学院动物标本室.