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5 条 记 录,以下是 1-5
基于高光谱数据的森林病虫害监测系统能够实现不同类型森林病虫害的模拟试验与分析评价,辅助用户进行森林病虫害诊断评估与管理决策。本研究基于森林病虫害高光谱预测模型(以松树松材线虫病为例),选用B/S结构的开发模式,构建3层系统架构选择Arc GIS APIs for Javascript为Web GIS的开发技术,研制建成了一个具有较强普适性、准确性和易操作性的网络服务端森林病虫害监测系统,可以实现不同条件下森林病虫害发生发展动态的在线高光谱模拟预测,从而进行森林病虫害实时远程诊断预测,并生成适宜的管理信息方案。文中着重介绍了系统的组织结构与内容、系统的主要功能与实现原理、系统的程序设计与开发过程,对系统的特点进行了总结与概括,并展示了应用实例。
Early Monitoring of Pine Wilt Disease in Pinus massioniana based on Hyperspectral Data被引量:1
We selected healthy Pinus massioniana for pine wood nematode inoculation experiments to get the spectral reflectance of healthy and infected Pinus mas- sioniana in different infection stages via a ground spectrometer ( wavelength in 350 - 2 500 nm), and analyzed the changes in chlorophyll content at various periods. The original spectral reflectance of healthy and infected P. massoniana was significantly different in the middle and late infection stages, and the reflection peak and absorption valley in visible light region and near infrared region gradually weakened and even disappeared to a straight line. There was significant correlation rela- tionship between chlorophyll content of infected plants and spectral reflectance at the wavelength of 1 405 nm, and the quantitative inversion model of chlorophyll content was correspondingly established as follows: Car = - 1.74(X1~ )2 + 4. 72X1,~ - 0. 76. Through first-order derivative spectra at the wavelength of 593 nm, combined with quantitative inversion of the corresponding chlorophyll content, we can discriminate whether P. massoniana is infected by pine lt disease or not, especially in the early stages before disease features are visible to the naked eyes it has a good quantitative monitoring effect.
Pan JieZhang HengJu YunweiLiao Zhenfeng
松萎蔫病是松属树种的一种毁灭性病害,小范围甚至单木水平的森林病虫害的早期诊断对森林资源保护与可持续发展尤为重要。以感染松萎蔫病的黑松为研究对象,通过采集不同感病时期的黑松冠层的多角度光谱数据,分析不同特征波段的方向反射特征,总结不同感病程度黑松的冠层特征波段反射率的变化规律。结果显示:(1)在俯视观测时,在主平面方向的后向散射方向的反射率大于前向散射方向的反射率,并且在后向散射方向,四个波段的四个感病时期约在40°的观测天顶角出现热点效应;无论在主平面还是主垂面,蓝光波段(450 nm)与近红外波段(810 nm)的黑松冠层0°天顶角反射率呈现出感病初期>健康>感病中期>感病末期的变化规律,红光波段(680 nm)和绿光波段(560 nm)的黑松冠层0°天顶角反射率呈现出健康≈感病初期>感病中期≈感病末期的变化规律。在所有方位角,冠层反射率随着观测天顶角的增加而增大。(2)在仰视观测时,在主平面方向的后向散射方向的反射率小于前向散射方向的反射率,并且在方位角为0°时, 4个波段反射率都是较大的;无论在主平面还是主垂面,蓝光波段(450 nm)绿光波段(560 nm)和红光波段(680 nm)的冠层反射率的大小呈现出感病初期>健康>感病末期>感病中期的变化规律,近红外波段(810 nm)冠层反射率的大小呈现出感病初期>健康>感病中期>感病末期的变化规律;在所有方位角,冠层反射率随着观测仰角的增加而减小。(3)黑松冠层反射光谱在俯视和仰视观测时,各个特征波段的二向性反射率的各向异性最强的是主平面,最弱的是主垂面,且主垂面的前向和后向反射率会呈现对称性,即“镜面反射”;各个特征波段在感病末期,黑松冠层反射率随观测天顶角的变化幅度较大,其他几个时期反射率随观测天顶角的变化幅度不明显。研究结果显示的树冠的不同
Characterizing long-term forest disturbance history and its drivers in the Ning-Zhen Mountains, Jiangsu Province of eastern China using yearly Landsat observations (1987–2011)被引量:2
Forest losses or gains have long been recognized as critical processes modulating the carbon flux between the biosphere and the atmosphere. Timely, accurate and spatially explicit information on forest disturbance and recovery history is required for assessing the effectiveness of existing forest management. The major objectives of our research focused on testing the mapping efficacy of the vegetation change tracker (VCT) model over a forested area in China. We used a new version of VCT algorithm built upon the Landsat time series stacks (LTSS). The LTSS consisted of yearly image acquisitions to map forest disturbance history from 1987 to 2011 over the Ning-Zhen Mountains, Jiangsu Province of east China. The LTSS consisted of TM and ETM+ scenes with different projec- tions due to distinct data sources (Beijing remote sensing ground station and the USGS EROS Center). The valida- tion results of the disturbance year maps showed that most spatial agreement measures ranged from 70 to 86 %, comparable with the VCT accuracies reported for many places in USA. Very low accuracies were identified in 1995 (38.3 %) and 1992 (56.2 %) in the current analysis. These resulted from the insensitivity of the VCT algorithm to detect low intensity disturbances and also from the mis- registration errors of the image pairs. Major forest distur- bance types existing in our study area were identified as agricultural expansion (39.8 %), urbanization (24.9 %), forest management practice (19.3 %), and mining (12.8 %). In general, there was a gradual decreasing trend in forest cover throughout this region, caused principally by China's economic, demographic, environmental and political policies and decisions, as well as some weather events. While VCT has largely been used to assess long term changes and trends in the USA, it has great potential for assessing landscape level change elsewhere throughout the world.
Mingshi LiChengquan HuangWenjuan ShenXinyu RenYingying LvJingrui WangZhiliang Zhu
基于2000年Landsat5 TM和2017年Landsat8 OLI_TIRS数据,利用辐射传输方程法反演南京市地表温度,结合景观格局指数进行热力景观格局演变分析,并使用多元线性回归分析了南京城市景观格局与热环境的关系。结果表明:2017年南京市热岛效应比2000年明显加剧,高温区范围大幅扩张,六合区、江宁区、浦口区热岛区域增长速度较快;热岛高温区斑块面积及连通性增加、破碎程度降低,其在热力景观格局中的优势度明显升高。南京市热力景观格局总体上破碎程度下降、斑块形状趋于规则化、聚集度升高、连通性增加。在快速城市化过程中,可以通过合理规划城市布局,适当增加城市绿地面积以缓解热岛效应。