We explore how a two-mode squeezed vacuum state sechθeab tanh θ[00) evolves when it undergoes a single- mode amplitude dissipative channel with rate of decay k. We find that in this process not only the squeezing parameter decreases, tanhθ → e-kt tanh θ, but also the second-mode vacuum state evolves into a chaotic state exp{bbln[(1 - e-2kt) tanh2 θ]}. The outcome state is no more a pure state, but an entangled mixed state.
By introducing the thermo entangled state representation, we derive four new photocount distribution formulas for a given light field density operator. It is shown that these new formulas, which are convenient to calculate the photocount, can be expressed as integrations over a Laguree Gaussian function with a characteristic function, Wigner function, Q-function and P-function, respectively.
By introducing the thermal entangled state representation, we investigate the time evolution of distribution functions in the dissipative channels by bridging the relation between the initial distribution function and the any time distribution function. We find that most of them are expressed as such integrations over the Laguerre Gaussian function. Furthermore, as applications, we derive the time evolution of photon-counting distribution by bridging the relation between the initial distribution function and the any time photon-counting distribution, and the time evolution of Rfunction characteristic of nonclassicality depth.