To seek new infinite sequence of exact solutions to nonlinear evolution equations, this paper gives the formula of nonlinear superposition of the solutions and Backlund transformation of Riccati equation. Based on tanh-function expansion method and homogenous balance method, new infinite sequence of exact solutions to Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation, Karamotc-Sivashinsky equation and the set of (2+1)-dimensional asymmetric Nizhnik-Novikov-Veselov equations are obtained with the aid of symbolic computation system Mathematica. The method is of significance to construct infinite sequence exact solutions to other nonlinear evolution equations.
Based on the homogenous balance method and the trial function method, several trial function methods composed of exponential functions are proposed and applied to nonlinear discrete systems. With of symbolic computation system, the new exact solitary wave solutions to discrete nonlinear mKdV lattice equation, discrete nonlinear (2 + 1) dimensional Toda lattice equation, Ablowitz-Ladik-lattice system are constructed.The method is of significance to seek exact solitary wave solutions to other nonlinear discrete systems.