土壤湿度在陆气相互作用过程中扮演着重要的角色,是气候、水文、农业、林业等研究中重要的地球物理参数之一.土壤湿度影响地面蒸散,径流、地表反射率、地表发射率以及地表感热和潜热通量,从而对气候有重要影响,它对大气的影响在全球尺度上仅次于海面温度,在陆地尺度其影响甚至超过海面温度.本文介绍了基于EnKF及陆面过程模型的中国区域陆面土壤湿度同化系统(CLSMDAS,China Land Soil Moisture Data Assimilation System),以及该系统应用于中国区域陆面土壤湿度同化试验的结果.CLSMDAS包括以下几个部分:1)陆面模式采用美国国家大气研究中心NCAR的陆面过程模型Community Land Model Version3.0(简写为CLM3.0);2)大气驱动场数据中的降水和地面入射太阳辐射数据来自FY2静止气象卫星每小时产品;3)陆面数据同化方法采用EnKF(Ensemble Kalman Filter)同化方法;4)观测数据包括AMSR-E卫星反演土壤湿度产品以及地面土壤湿度观测资料.利用CLSMDAS对2006年6~9月的土壤湿度同化试验结果的分析表明:陆面模式模拟和同化结果都能比较合理地反映出土壤湿度时空分布,同化的土壤湿度分布与2006年8月重庆、四川发生建国以来最严重的夏伏旱有非常好的对应关系,与发生在9月的湖北东部、广西南部等地的干旱区也有非常好的对应关系.
Soil moisture plays an important role in land-atmosphere interactions. It is an important geophysical parameter in research on climate, hydrology, agriculture, and forestry. Soil moisture has important climatic effects by influencing ground evapotranspi ration, runoff, surface reflectivity, surface emissivity, surface sensible heat and latent heat flux. At the global scale, the extent of its influence on the atmosphere is second only to that of sea surface temperature. At the terrestrial scale, its influence is even greater than that of sea surface temperatures. This paper presents a China Land Soil Moisture Data Assimilation System (CLSMDAS) based on EnKF and land process models, and results of the application of this system in the China Land Soil Moisture Data Assimilation tests. CLSMDAS is comprised of the following components: 1) A land process mo del—Community Land Model Version 3.0 (CLM3.0)—developed by the US National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR); 2) Precipitation of atmospheric forcing data and surface-incident solar radiation data come from hourly outputs of the FY2 geostationary meteorological satellite; 3) EnKF (Ensemble Kalman Filter) land data assimilation method; and 4) Observa tion data including satellite-inverted soil moisture outputs of the AMSR-E satellite and soil moisture observation data. Results of soil moisture assimilation tests from June to September 2006 were analyzed with CLSMDAS. Both simulation and assimila tion results of the land model reflected reasonably the temporal-spatial distribution of soil moisture. The assimilated soil mois ture distribution matches very well with severe summer droughts in Chongqing and Sichuan Province in August 2006, the worst since the foundation of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. It also matches drought regions that occurred in eastern Hubei and southern Guangxi in September.
SHI ChunXiangXIE ZhengHuiQIAN HuiLIANG MiaoLingYANG XiaoChun