A method of task allocation and automated negotiation for multi robots was proposed. Firstly, the principles of task allocation were described based on the real capability of robot. Secondly, the model of automated negotiation was constructed, in which Least-Squares Support Vector Regression (LSSVR) was improved to estimate the opponent's negotiation utility and the robust controller of output feedback was employed to optimize the utility performance indicators. Thirdly, the protocol of negotiation and reallocation was proposed to improve the real-time capability and task allocation. Finally, the validity of method was proved through experiments.
Ke WendePeng ZhipingYuan QuandeHong BingrongChen KeCai Zesu
针对现有边缘提取算法难以提取任意形状、任意分布区域的边缘及与具体对象的相关性不密切等问题,构建一种粒边缘模型,并给出对应的实现算法:任意区域边缘提取算法(Arbitrary Region Edge Extraction,AREE)。粒相关边缘由拓扑信息系统、概念粒、连通粒和边缘空间等新概念组成。AREE算法定义行连通段,给出并证明计算边缘集的定理,搜索内点,完成边缘提取。对比分析和实验结果显示:算法能精确、快速地提取出各类图像中任意连通粒的边缘。