In electronics packaging the time-pressure dispensing system is widely usedto squeeze the adhesive fluid in a syringe onto boards or substrates with the pressurized air.However, complexity of the process, which includes the air-fluid coupling and the nonlinearuncertainties, makes it difficult to have a consistent process performance. An integrated dispensingprocess model is first introduced and then its input-output regression relationship is used todesign a run to run control methodology for this process. The controller takes EWMA scheme and itsstability region is given. Experimental results verify the effectiveness of the proposed run to runcontrol method for dispensing process.
A novel motion-blur-based method for measuring the angular amplitude of a high-frequency rotational vibration is schemed. The proposed approach combines the active vision concept and the mechanism of motion-from-blur, generates motion blur on the image plane actively by extending exposure time, and utilizes the motion blur information in polar images to estimate the angular amplitude of a high-frequency rotational vibration. This method obtains the analytical results of the angular vibration amplitude from the geometric moments of a motion blurred polar image and an unblurred image for reference. Experimental results are provided to validate the presented scheme.
The object of study is about dynamic modeling and control for a 2degree-of-freedom (DOF) planar parallel mechanism (PM) with flexible links. The kinematic anddynamic equations are established according to the characteristics of mixed rigid and flexiblestructure. By using the singular perturbation approach (SPA), the model of the mechanism can beseparated into slow and fast subsystems. Based on the feedback linearization theory and inputshaping technique, the large scale rigid motion controller and the flexible link vibrationcontroller can be designed separately to achieve fast and accurate positioning of the PM.
Nickel plated on a copper plate was selected as a bond surface for ultrasonic aluminum wedge bonds, and a series of experiments were carried out to study the microstructure characterization of the wedge bond interface. Bond lift-off characteristics were studied by using scanning electron microscopy(SEM) with EDS-test. Characteristics of input power of PZT transducer were analyzed by the driving electric signal measured with GDS-820 Digital Oscilloscope. The results show that the pattern of partially bonded material at the Ni-Al interface of ultrasonic wedge bonds exposed by peeling underdeveloped bonds simulates a ridged torus with an unbonded central and external region rubbed along pulse direction. Bond strength is located between the severely ridged torus and the non-adhering central and external area of the bond. For the same machine variables, ridge-peak and transforming ultrasonic energy of the first wedge bond are greater than that of the second wedge bond. For constant other machine variables, with the increasing load, the total area of bond pattern increases in size, and minor axis of torus extends major axis; with the increasing time, the ridged periphery spreads a whole torus, and the ridged location of the bonded region moves closer to the bond center; the sliding trace and the ridge-like of the bond pattern strengthen when more power is applied. Moreover, the machine variables have an optimal range for microstructure characteristics.