It is important to quantify the effect of the root diameter, the embedment length of the root and load speed on the soil-root interface mechanical properties for studying the root anchorage. The soilroot interface mechanical properties can be obtained through the pullout force and root slippage curve(F-S curve). About 120 Pinus tabulaeformis single roots whose diameters ranged from 1 mm to 10 mm divided into 6 groups based on different root embedment length(50 mm, 100 mm and 150 mm) and different load velocity(10 mm·min^(-1), 50 mm·min^(-1), 100 mm·min^(-1) and 300 mm·min^(-1)) were investigated using the pullout method. This study aims to explore the mechanical properties of the soil-root interface in the real conditions using the pullout test method. The results showed two kinds of pullout test failure modes during the experimental process: breakage failure and pullout failure. The results showed that the roots were easier to be broken when the root diameter was smaller or the loading speed was larger. The relationship between the maximum anchorage force and root diameter was linear and the linearly dependent coefficient(R^2) was larger than 0.85. The anchorage force increased with the root embedment length. An increase of 10%^(-1)5% for the maximumanchorage force was found when load speed increased from 10 to 300 mm.min^(-1). The mean peak slippage of the root was from 13.81 to 35.79 mm when the load velocity varied from 10 to 300 mm.min^(-1). The study will be helpful for the design of slopes reinforced by vegetation and in predicting risk of uprooting of trees, and will have practical benefits for understanding the mechanism of landslide.
JI Xiao-dongCONG XuDAI Xian-qingZHANG AoCHEN Li-hua
以华北土石山区四种常见乔木的根系为研究对象,采用全挖法,从根长、根径、土层深度和生物量等方面进行比较,并计算了四个树种随土壤深度变化的累积根系长度百分比,利用Sketchup Pro 8软件建立了各根系的形态模型。结果表明:四个树种根系长度差别较大,总长度大小顺序依次为白桦>落叶松>蒙古栎>油松;不同树种不同径级根的差别较大;各树种根系垂直分布范围集中在0~60cm的土层中,在60cm以下的土层中分布很少。研究中四个树种拟合的β值都在0.960-0.970之间,根系垂直分布方式都显示出深根型根系轮廓。用软件模拟出的根系形态较接近实际。
Roots play an important role in stabilizing and strengthening soil. This article aims to study the mechanical properties of the interface between soil and roots with branches, using the pullout test method in the laboratory. The mechanical properties of the soil-root with branches interface is determined through the pullout-force and root-slippage curve (F-S curve). The results of investigating 24 Pinus tabulaeformis single roots and 55 P. tabulaeformis roots with branches demonstrated three kinds of pullout test failures: breakage failure on branching root, breakage failure on branching node, and pullout failure. The branch angle had a remarkable effect on the failure mode of the roots with branches: the maximum pullout force increased with the sum of the branch diameters and the branch angle. The peak slippage and the initial force had a positive correlation with the sum of the branch diameter. The sig- nificance test of correlation between branch angle and the initial force, however, showed they had no correlation. Branch angle and branch root diameter affect the anchorage properties between root system and soil. Therefore, it is important to investigate the anchorage mechanics of the roots with branches to understand the mechanism of root reinforcement and anchorage.