The crystallization and thermal fatigue behavior of Zr41Ti14Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 bulk amorphous alloys heated by laser pulses was investigated. The results showed that crystallization occurred even below the crystallization temperature Tx in a low cycle time. Cracks appearred before or after crystallization of the heated area in the sample. The crystallization degree increased with the heating temperature and cycles. An increase in the fatigue cracks number was also observed. The plastic deformation in the heated area of the sample surface occurred, and became more pronounced with cycles and heating temperature.
JING Qin, ZHAO Liang, YUAN Hui, ZHANG Bing, NIU RunBing, ZHANG Jin, LI Gong, MA MingZhen & LIU RiPing State Key Laboratory of Metastable Materials Science and Technology, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China
Warm deformation was investigated for steels containing carbon of 0. 45%,0. 79%, and 1. 26% respeetively with martensite starting structure, using Gleeble 3500 thermomechanical simulator at the temperature ranging from 873 K to 973 K and the strain rate ranging from 0.1 s^-1 to 0. 001 s^-1. The effect of carbon content on the deformation activation energy, Z value and the deformation resistance was analyzed, The results showed that the deformation resistance decreased with increasing carbon content. The peak stress of the steel containing earbon of 1.26% was decreased by 16.2% compared to the steel containing carbon of 0.45% under the same condition. This may be attributed to the weakening effect of solid solution strengthening which outweighs the precipitation strengthening of cementite.
LI Qun WANG Tian-sheng LI Hong-biao GAO Yu-wei LINing JING Tian-fu
An investigation of the electronic, elastic and thermodynamic properties of VC under high pressure has been conducted using first-principles calculations based on density functional theory (DFT) with the plane-wave basis set, as implemented in the CASTEP code. At elevated pressures, VC is predicted to undergo a structural transition from a relatively open NaCl-type structure to a more dense CsCl,type one. The predicted transition pressure is 520 GPa. The elastic constant, Debye temperature and heat capacity each as a function of pressure and/or temperature of VC are presented for the first time.
The thermal stability and glass forming ability (GFA) of Zr35-xTi30Cu7.5Be27.5Agx (x = 0-10) alloys were studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and ultrasonic techniques. We found that the addition of 1 at.% Ag can considerably enhance the GFA as indicated by an increase in the critical glass dimension from 15 mm in the Zr35Ti30Cu7.5Be27.5 alloy to 20 mm in the Zr34Ti30Cu7.5Be27.5Ag1 alloy. However, with the addition of more Ag the supercooled liquid region (△Tx) and y parameter (defined as Tx/(Tg+Tl)) drastically decreased from 155 K and 0.436 to 76 K and 0.363, respectively, resulting in a decrease in the GFA. Additionally, the elastic constant (the ratio of shear modulus to bulk modulus or Poisson's ratio) was also used as a gauge to evaluate the GFA in Zr35-xTi30Cu7.5Be27.5Agx alloys.
Ternary Zr49Cu44Al7 metallic glass matrix composite rods with CuZr nano-phase,exhibiting an elastic strain of 1.6% and a high strength of 1.78 GPa,have been manufactured. The structural evaluation of the ternary metallic glass matrix composite under high pressure has been investigated using angle dispersive X-ray diffraction with a synchrotron radiation source. The investigation shows that the amorphous matrix structure is stable under pressures up to 40.8 GPa at room temperature. No pressure induced CuZr nano-phase disappearing or growing was detected. According to the Bridgeman equation of state,the bulk modulus B0 =115.2 GPa has been obtained.
Electrochemical corrosion and oxidation resistances of Zr 60 Ni 21 Al 19 amorphous alloy were studied. The ternary amorphous alloy exhibits greater positive potential than its crystalline counterpart and 0Cr19Ni9Ti stainless steel. Its weight loss result measured in 2 mol/L HCl solution is in agreement with the potentiodynamic curve. But there is no obvious difference in the oxidation resistances between Zr 60 Ni 21 Al 19 amorphous and its crystalline alloys. They both exhibit high oxidation resistance.
The corrosion behavior of as-cast fully amorphous, structural relaxed amorphous and crystallized Fe65.5Cr4Mo4Ga4P12C5B5.5 bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) in NaCl, HCl and NaOH solutions was investigated by electrochemical polarization and immersion methods. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements was used to analyze the changes of the elements on the alloy surface before and after immersion in various solutions. The corrosion resistance of the Fe65.5Cr4Mo4Ga4P12C5B5.5 BMG was better than its structural relaxation/crystallization counterparts and common alloys (such as stainless steel, carbonized steel, and steel) in the selected aqueous solutions. The high corrosion resistance of this alloy in corrosive solutions leads to the formation of Fe-, Cr- and Mo-enriched protective thin surface films.
LI Gong, HUANG Lei, DONG YanGuo, HE GuoWei, QI Li, JING Qin, MA MingZhen & LIU RiPing State Key Laboratory of Metastable Materials Science and Technology, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China