长江口集中了上海市多个主要水源地且区域经济活动活跃,潜在水污染风险源较多。针对长江口潜在的水环境突发污染事故风险,以流场自动预报形式、溢油和化学品泄漏模型为核心,采用空间对象-关系型数据库作为管理系统,基于网络GIS技术开发了长江口突发水污染事故应急响应系统。系统流场自动预报模型采用ECOMSED源代码进行二次开发,溢油和化学品泄漏模型则集成Oilmap和Chemmap模型核心,数据库选用开源数据库PostgreSQL/PostGIS进行开发,客户端使用ArcGIS Viewer for Flex框架进行开发。系统实现了突发水污染事故在线模拟分析,可使有关部门及时掌握污染现状及发展趋势。目前该系统已实现了业务化运行。
Contaminant release from bottom sediments in rivers is one of the" main problems to study the environmental hydrodyna- mics. Contaminant will release into the overlying water column under different hydrodynamic conditions through pore-water in sedi- ment, the release mechanism can be roughly divided into convection diffusion, molecular diffusion and adsorption/desorption. In this article, phosphorus was as a typical contaminant with sorption. Through theoretical analysis of the contaminant release, according to different particle-sized and hydraulic conditions, the mathematics model of contaminant release can be established by the coupled Navier-Stokes equation, Darcy equation, solute transport equation and adsorption/desorption equation. Then that model was verified by flume experiment. Numerical studies show that, under different velocity, the instantaneous concentration of convection diffusion is about 6 times to 50 times larger than that of molecular diffusion during initial stages. The concentration of molecular diffusion is about 1 times to 4 times larger than to that of convection diffusion during late stages. Through analysis, the diffusive boundary layer near the interface can be obtained. In addition, the release will increase with particle size decreasing, and the release will be influe- nced much more by the size change when the particle size is relatively big under different velocity.
Hydrodynamic effects play a very important role in the contaminants release from sediments. Experiments were performed to study contaminants releasing characteristics due to resuspension. The time-dependent variation of COD concentration and relative roles under static and dynamic state of the overlying water were analyzed. Experimental results showed that COD concen- tration in the water column got a striking increment on the dynamic conditions, mainly by reducing the thickness of concentration boundary layer near sediment-water interface and destructing the surface structure of sediment. Hydrodynamics increased contamina- nts release rates and flux in unit time. Before reaching an equilibrium stage, the dynamic release caused by the resuspension was more effective than static one due to molecular diffusion. The release rate of COD increased with flow velocity and decreased with water depth. But at a shallow water depth, wave effects would dominate the causing resuspension, resulting in contaminants release in large quantity. The intensity of pollutant release increased with time in a rather circuitous process. The diffusion of pollutant from internal sediment to the sediment-water interface would maintain the endogenous release effects.
Contaminants released from sediment into rivers are one of the main problems to study in environmental hydrodynamics. For contaminants released into the overlying water under different hydrodynamic conditions, the mechanical mechanisms involved can be roughly divided into convective diffusion, molecular diffusion, and adsorption/desorption. Because of the obvious environmental influence of fine sediment (D90 = 0.06 mm), non-cohesive fine sediment, and cohesive fine sediment are researched in this paper, and phosphorus is chosen for a typical adsorption of a contaminant. Through theoretical analysis of the contaminant release process, according to different hydraulic conditions, the contaminant release coupling mathematical model can be established by the N-S equation, the Darcy equation, the solute transport equation, and the adsorption/desorption equation. Then, the experiments are completed in an open water flume. The simulation results and experimental results show that convective diffusion dominates the contaminant release both in non-cohesive and cohesive fine sediment after their suspension, and that they contribute more than 90 % of the total release. Molecular diffusion and desorption have more of a contribution for contaminant release from unsuspended sediment. In unsuspension sediment, convective diffusion is about 10-50 times larger than molecular diffusion during the initial stages under high velocity; it is close to molecular diffusion in the later stages. Convective diffusion is about 6 times larger than molecular diffusion during the initial stages under low velocity, it is about a quarter of mole- cular diffusion in later stages, and has a similar level with desorption/adsorption. In unsuspended sediment, a seepage boundary layer exists below the water-sediment interface, and various release mechanisms in that layer mostly dominate the contaminant release process. In non-cohesive fine sediment, the depth of that layer increases linearly with shear stress. In cohesive fine sediment, the range s
A Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) with two-distribution functions is employed for simulating the two-phase flow induced by a liquid droplet impinging onto the film of the same liquid on solid surface.The model is suitable for solution of twophase flow problem at high density and viscosity ratios of liquid to vapor and phase transition between liquid and its vapor.The roles of the vapor flow,the density ratio of liquid to vapor and the surface tension of the droplet in the splashing formation are discussed.It is concluded that the vapour flow induced by the droplet fall and splash in the whole impinging process may affect remarkably the splash behaviour.For the case of large density ratio of liquid to vapor a crown may engender after the droplet collides with the film.However,for the case of small density ratio of liquid to vapor a "bell" like splash may be observed.