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32 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
利用分波法研究了低温及极低温下基态H和Br原子沿HBr(X^1∑^+)分子相互作用势发生的弹性碰撞.在1.0×10^(-11)~1.0×10^(-3)a.u.的碰撞能区内通过数值求解原子-原子碰撞的薛定鄂方程,计算了这一弹性碰撞的总截面和各分波截面,讨论了各分波截面对总弹性截面的贡献.结果表明在非常低的温度下这一弹性散射的总截面值很大、且几乎为一常数.分析指出在极低能区内总弹性截面的形状主要由s分波截面的形状决定.在总弹性截面上存在着2个较强的形状共振,一个位于2.276× 10^(-4)a.u.,另一个位于4.440×10^(-4) a.u.计算表明前者主要来自于f和g分波的联合贡献,后者主要来自于l=5和l=7分波的联合贡献.虽然在f分波上还存在一个形状共振、且在直到l=8的其它分波中也都存在强度不同的形状共振,但它们都被淹没在较强的总弹性截面中.同时计算还表明,高于l=10的分波对总弹性截面已无实质贡献.
运用密度泛函(B3LYP)方法,分别选用6-311+G(3df)和aug-cc-pV6Z基组,对ClO自由基和O_2分子进行了计算,并拟合了其M-S势能函数.采用密度泛函方法(B3LYP)在6-311G(3df)基组下对ClO_2自由基的结构进行了优化计算,得到:ClO_2自由基的稳态结构为C_(2v)构型,电子态为~2B_1、平衡核间距R_(clo)=0.14785 nm、键角/OClO=117.3107°、离解能D_e=2.7552 eV、基态振动频率ν_1(a_1)=451.3423 cm^(-1),v_2(a_1)=970.8289 cm^(-1),ν_3(b_2)=1123.5023 cm^(-1).采用多体项展式理论推导了ClO_2自由基的基态解析势能函数,其等值势能图准确再现了该分子的结构特征及其势阱深度与位置.分析讨论势能面的静态特征时得到:在ClO+O→ClO_2反应中存在两个对称的鞍点,分别位于(0.248 nm,0.152 nm)和(0.152 nm,0.248 nm)处,活化能为5.614
Investigations on molecular constants of the CD(X^2Π) radical and elastic collisions between ground-state C and D atoms at low temperatures被引量:2
The potential energy curve of the CD(X2∏) radical is obtained using the coupled-cluster singles-doublesapproximate-triples [CCSD(T)] theory in combination with the correlation-consistent quintuple basis set augmented with diffuse functions, aug-cc-pV5Z. The potential energy curve is fitted to the Murrell-Sorbie function, which is used to determine the spectroscopic parameters. The obtained Do, De, Re, ωe, ωeXe, αe and Be values are 3.4971 eV, 3.6261 eV, 0.11197 nm, 2097.661 cm^-1, 34.6963 cm^-1, 0.2083 cm^-1 and 7.7962 cm^-1, respectively, which conform almost perfectly to the available measurements. With the potential obtained at the UCCSD(T)/aug-cc-pV5Z level of theory, a total of 24 vibrational states have been predicted for the first time when J = 0 by solving the radial Schrodinger equation of nuclear motion. The complete vibrational levels, the classical turning points, the inertial rotation constants and centrifugal distortion constants are reproduced from the CD(X2∏) potential when J = 0, and are in excellent agreement with the available measurements. The total and the various partial-wave cross sections are calculated for the elastic collisions between the ground-state C and D atoms at energies from 1.0×10^-11 to 1.0 × 10^-4 a.u. when the two atoms approach each other along the CD(X2∏) potential energy curve. Only one shape resonance is found in the total elastic cross sections, and the resonant energy is 8.36×10^-6 a.u. The results show that the shape of the total elastic cross section is mainly dominated by the s partial wave at very low temperatures. Because of the weak shape resonances coming from higher partial waves, most of them are passed into oblivion by the strong total elastic cross sections.
Study on spectroscopic parameters and molecular constants of HCl(X^1Σ^+) molecule by using multireference configuration interaction approach
Equilibrium internuclear separations, harmonic frequencies and potential energy curves (PECs) of HCI(X1∑+) molecule are investigated by using the highly accurate valence internally contracted multireference configuration interaction (MRCI) approach in combination with a series of correlation-consistent basis sets in the valence range. The PECs are all fitted to the Murrell-Sorbie function, and they are used to accurately derive the spectroscopic parameters (De, Do, ωeXe, αe and Be) Compared with the available measurements, the PEC obtained at the basis set, aug-cc-pV5Z, is selected to investigate the vibrational manifolds. The constants Do, De, Re, We, ωeXe, Ore and Be at this basis set are 4.4006 eV, 4.5845 eV, 0.12757 rim, 2993.33 cm^-1, 52.6273 cm^-1, 0.2981 cm^-1 and 10.5841 cm^-1, respectively, which almost perfectly conform to the available experimental results. With the potential determined at the MRCI/aug-cc-pV5Z level of theory, by numerically solving the radial Schrodinger equation of nuclear motion in the adiabatic approximation, a total of 21 vibrational levels are predicted. Complete vibrational levels, classical turning points, inertial rotation and centrifugal distortion constants are reproduced, which are in excellent agreement with the available Rydberg-Klein-Rees data. Most of these theoretical vibrational manifolds are reported for the first time to the best of our knowledge.
MRCI方法研究CSe(X^1 Σ^+)自由基的光谱常数和分子常数被引量:1
Molecular constants of LiCl(X^1Σ^+) and elastic collisions of two ground-state Cl and Li atoms at low and ultralow temperatures
Interaction potentials for LiCI(X^1∑+) are constructed by the highly accurate valence internally contracted multireference configuration interaction in combination with a number of large correlation-consistent basis sets, which are used to determine the spectroscopic parameters (D0, De, Re, ωe, ωeχe, Be and αe). The potentials obtained at the basis sets, i.e., aug-cc-pV5Z-JKFI for Cl and cc-pV5Z for Li, are selected to study the elastic collision properties of Li and Cl atoms at the impact energies from 1.0 ×10^-12 to 1.0× 10-4 a.u. The derived total elastic cross sections are very large and almost constant at ultralow temperatures, and their shapes are mainly dominated by the s-partial wave at very low impact energies. Only one shape resonance can be found in the total elastic cross sections over the present collision energy regime, which is rather strong and obviously broadened by the overlap contributions of the abundant resonances coming from various partial waves. Abundant resonances exist for the elastic partial-wave cross sections until l= 22 partial waves. The vibrational manifolds of the LiCI(X^1∑+) molecule, which are predicted at the present level of theory and the basis sets cc-pV5Z for Li and the aug-cc-pV5Z-JKFI for Cl, should achieve much high accuracy due to the employment of the large correlation-consistent basis sets.
Spectroscopic parameters and molecular constants of HI(X^1Σ^+),DI(X^1Σ^+) and TI(X^1Σ^+) isotope molecules
The potential energy curve (PEC) of HI(X^1∑^+) molecule is studied using the complete active space self-consistent field method followed by the highly accurate valence internally contracted multireference configuration interaction approach at the correlation-consistent basis sets, aug-cc-pV6Z for H and aug-cc-pV5Z-pp for I atom. Using the PEG of HI(X^1∑^+), the spectroscopic parameters of three isotopes, HI(X1E+), DI(X^1∑^+) and TI(X^1∑^+), are determined in the present work. For the HI(X^1∑^+), the values of Do, De, Re, ωe, ωeχe, αe and Be are 3.1551 eV, 3.2958 eV, 0.16183 nm, 2290.60 cm^-1, 40.0703 cm^-1, 0.1699 cm^-1 and 6.4373 cm^-1, respectively; for the DI (X^1∑^+), the values of D0, De, Re, ωe, ωeχe, αe and Be are 3.1965 eV, 3.2967 eV, 0.16183 nm, 1626.8 cm^-1, 20.8581 cm^-1, 0.0611 cm^-1 and 3.2468 cm^-1, respectively; for the TI (X^1∑^+), the values of Do, De, Re, ωe, ωeχe, αe and Be are of 3.2144 eV, 3.2967 eV, 0.16183 nm, 1334.43 cm^-1, 14.0765 cm^-1, 0.0338 cm^-1 and 2.1850 cm^-1, respectively. These results accord well with the available experimental results. With the PEC of HI(X^1∑^+) molecule obtained at present, a total of 19 vibrational states are predicted for the HI, 26 for the DI, and 32 for the TI, when the rotational quantum number J is equal to zero (J = 0). For each vibrational state, vibrational level G(v), inertial rotation constant By and centrifugal distortion constant Dv are determined when J = 0 for the first time, which are in excellent agreement with the experimental results.
采用结晶场参数拟合的方法对Sereni研究小组的CePd1-xRhx(x=0.65,0.70,0.80,0.87)样品的磁化率实验结果进行了计算模拟.结果表明:x=0.65,0.70,0.80,0.87时,样品的第1激发能分别为5.9,7.2,10.1,13.8 meV,总激发能分别为50.9,62.9,69.3,85.6 meV.在晶场效应的作用下,稀土Ce3+基态简并部分消除得到了双基态,模拟得出的CePd1-xRhx磁化率倒数随温度的变化曲线与实验结果相吻合.