FeAl intermetallics were prepared by mechanical alloying and vacuum hot-pressing. The Fe-48 at.% Al powder was ball-milled for 3-12 h, producing a solid solution structure of Fe (Al) with trace Al (Fe). Subsequent vacuum annealing or hot-pressing introduced phase transformations into the FeAl (B2) intermetallics and Al2O3 inclusions. The hot-pressed FeAI intermetallics possess a high flexural strength of 831 MPa and a fairly good strain at break of 3.2%. The results show that the addition of 0.5 at.% B reduces the peak temperature for hot-pressing from 1180℃ to 1100℃, and increases the density of the compacts from 95% to 96.3%, but results in no significant improvement in the mechanical properties.
F eA l金属间化合物在高温结构材料领域有广阔的应用前景。该文采用机械球磨与热处理工艺制备适于注射成形的F eA l金属间化合物粉末,利用X射线衍射仪和扫描电子显微镜研究了球磨和热处理过程中F e-A l(xA l=48%)粉末的物相结构和粉末形貌的变化规律。结果表明,F e-A l混合粉末经12 h球磨,可制得粒径为30μm左右的近球形F e(A l)和A l(F e)固溶体粉末;经进一步真空热处理后,粉末物相转变为以F eA l(B2)为主的金属间化合物。