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作品数:5 被引量:1H指数:1


  • 5篇中文期刊文章


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  • 1篇自动化与计算...


  • 3篇INFRAR...
  • 2篇STARS
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  • 1篇太阳
  • 1篇太阳系
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  • 1篇太阳系外行星
  • 1篇外行
  • 1篇外行星
  • 1篇系外行星
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  • 1篇山东大学


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  • 4篇Resear...
  • 1篇天文学报


  • 1篇2016
  • 2篇2012
  • 2篇2011
5 条 记 录,以下是 1-5
为对太阳系外行星的物理参数进行更精确估算,利用山东大学威海天文台/威海市天文台的1 m反射望远镜,对7颗已知具有行星系统的恒星:TrES-1、TrES-3、XO-2、WASP-1、WASP-2、WASP-3、HAT-P-7,进行了凌星现象的观测研究.介绍观测和数据处理的基本情况,给出凌星光变曲线结果及由之推算出的一些行星参数.在总结结果并加以分析的同时,展望下一步将进行的更为深入细致的研究.
Star formation properties in barred galaxies (SFB) Ⅱ. NGC 2903 and NGC 7080
Stellar bars are important for the secular evolution of disk galaxies because they can drive gas into the galactic central regions. To investigate the star formation properties in barred galaxies, we presented a multi-wavelength study of two barred galaxies: NGC 2903 and NGC 7080. We performed the three-component bulge-diskbar decomposition using the 3.6 μm images, and identified the bulges in the two galaxies as pseudobulges. Based on the narrowband Hα images, the star formation clumps were identified and analyzed. The clumps in the bulge regions have the highest surface densities of star formation rates in both galaxies, while the star formation activities in the bar of NGC 2903 are more intense than those in the bar of NGC 7080. Finally, we compared our results with the scenario of bar-driven secular evolution in previous studies, and discussed the possible evolutionary stages of the two galaxies.
Zhi-Min ZhouChen CaoHong Wu
IRAS F21013-0739:a possible evolutionary successor of an ultraluminous infrared galaxy
We present a stellar population synthesis study of a type II luminous infrared galaxy, IRAS F21013-0739. Optical images show clear characteristics of a merger remnant. The H-band absolute magnitude is MH = -25.1, which is -2 times as luminous as L* galaxies. Stellar populations are obtained through the stellar synthesis code STARLIGHT. We find that it experienced a recent starburst (SB) phase - 100 Myr ago. By reconstructing the ultraviolet-to-optical spectrum, and adopting Calzetti et al. and Leitherer et al.'s extinction curves, we estimate the past infrared (IR) luminosities of the host galaxy and find it may have experienced an ultraluminous infrared galaxy phase which lasted for about 100 Myr. Its i-band absolute magnitude is Mi = -22.463, and its spectral type shows type 2 active galactic nucleus (AGN) characteristics. The mass of the supermassive black-hole is estimated to be MBH = 1.6 × 107 M⊙ (lower- limit). The Eddington ratio Lbol/LEdd is 0.15, which is typical of Palomar-Green (PG) quasars. Both the nuclear SB and AGN contribute to the present IR luminosity budget, and the SB contributes -67%. On the diagram of IR color versus IR/opfical excess, it is located between IR quasars and PG quasars. These results indicate that IRAS F21013-0739 has probably evolved from a ULIRG, and it can possibly evolve into an AGN.
Xian-Min MengHong WuChen Cao
The debris disk candidates:eleven 24μm excess stars in the Spitzer SWIRE fields被引量:1
We present the optical to mid-infrared SEDs of 11 debris disk candidates from Spitzer SWIRE fields. All the candidates are selected from SWIRE 24 μm sources matched with both the SDSS star catalog and the 2MASS point source catalog. They show an excess in the mid-infrared at 24 μm (Ks-[24]vega 〉 0.44), indicating the presence of a circumstellar dust disk. The observed optical spectra show that they are all late-type main-sequence stars covering the spectral types of FGKM. Their fractional luminosities are well above 5× 10-5, even up to the high fractional luminosity of 1×10-3. The high galactic latitudes of SWIRE fields indicate that most of these candidates could belong to the oldest stars in the thick disk. Our results indicate that high fractional luminosity debris disks could exist in old solar-like star systems, though they are still quite rare. Their discovery at high galactic latitudes also provides an exellent opportunity for further study of the properties and evolution of debris disks in regions of the Galaxy with low densities of ISM, called ISM poor environments.
Hong WuChao-Jian WuChen CaoSebastian WolfJing-Yao Hu
FGK 22 μm excess stars in LAMOST DR2 stellar catalog被引量:1
Since the release of the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope(LAMOST)catalog, we have had the opportunity to use the LAMOST DR2 stellar catalog and the WISE All-Sky Data Release catalog to search for 22 μm excess candidates. In this paper, we present 10 FGK candidates which show an excess in the infrared at 22 μm. All the 10 sources are newly identified 22 μm excess candidates.Of these 10 stars, five stars are F type and five stars are G type. The criterion for selecting candidates is Ks[22].387. In addition, we present the spectral energy distributions covering wavelengths from the optic-≥0al to mid-infrared band. Most of them show an obvious excess from the 12 μm band and three candidates even show excess from 3.4 μm. To characterize the amount of dust, we also estimate the fractional luminosity of10 22 μm excess candidates.
Chao-Jian WuHong WuKang LiuTan-Da LiMing YangMan-I LamFan YangYue WuYong ZhangYong-Hui HouGuang-Wei Li