A new Network Coding mechanism in WSNs(Wireless Sensor Networks), which is named COEQ and aims at balancing coding opportunities, energy and QoS, is proposed and analyzed. Implemented on the basis of traditional AODV protocol, COEQ evaluates several metrics of paths comprehensively with TOPSIS method including minimum remaining energy, coding opportunities, QoS and so on, so as to select the optimal transmitting route. Experiments on NS[2] show that COEQ can improve throughput and save energy when the transmitting rate is low.
提出一种基于基站大功率信号广播的延迟容忍移动传感器网络消息路由机制(High-power Broadcasting based Routing scheme,HBR)。该机制使用两个通信频率f1和f2,基站以恒定大功率在频率f1上广播已经接收到的消息,网络中传感器节点根据基站广播信息计算自身转发概率并清理冗余消息副本,节点间利用频率f2进行通信。为进一步提升网络性能,HBR优先传输转发阈值(M)小且生存时间短的消息,并合理进行消息队列管理。仿真结果表明,与几种经典的路由机制相比,HBR在消息传输成功率、传输延迟方面有着一定的优势。