经颅磁刺激(Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation,TMS)是在通过高压大电容瞬时放电产生变化的磁场。TMS技术已经被广泛用于多种神经生理学研究,包括神经兴奋性、神经抑制性及神经可塑性研究等。近年来,TMS与脑电图(EEG)成像技术的融合已成为研究大脑功能和大脑活动的重要工具。本文主要介绍了TMS-EEG成像系统中的技术难题以及相关研究进展。
We investigate transcranial magneto–acoustical stimulation(TMAS) for noninvasive brain neuromodulation in vivo.TMAS as a novel technique uses an ultrasound wave to induce an electric current in the brain tissue in the static magnetic field. It has the advantage of high spatial resolution and penetration depth. The mechanism of TMAS onto a neuron is analyzed by combining the TMAS principle and Hodgkin–Huxley neuron model. The anesthetized rats are stimulated by TMAS, resulting in the local field potentials which are recorded and analyzed. The simulation results show that TMAS can induce neuronal action potential. The experimental results indicate that TMAS can not only increase the amplitude of local field potentials but also enhance the effect of focused ultrasound stimulation on the neuromodulation. In summary, TMAS can accomplish brain neuromodulation, suggesting a potentially powerful noninvasive stimulation method to interfere with brain rhythms for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
Local field potential(LFP) signals of the rat hippocampus were recorded under noninvasive focused ultrasound stimulation(FUS) with different ultrasonic powers. The LFP mean absolute power was calculated with the Welch algorithm at the delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma frequency bands. The experimental results demonstrate that the LFP mean absolute power at different frequency bands increases as the ultrasound power increases.
基于新兴脑调控技术,针对孤独症核心异常,对将重复经颅磁刺激(repetitive transcranial magnetic atimulation,rTMS)和神经反馈技术(neurofeedback,NFB)应用于孤独症康复的作用机制和效果进行了深入研究.首先利用视觉认知任务,结合量化脑电(qEEG)分析方法,对与高级认知机制密切相关的皮层Gamma脑电节律在孤独症组和正常组之间进行比较和分析,进一步开展rTMS调控Gamma节律的效果和机制研究;同时,利用ERP视觉实验任务,对孤独症组和正常组的视觉认知机制进行比较研究,并在此基础上开展利用rTMS调控孤独症视觉认知机制的研究;基于孤独症存在脑电Gamma节律异常的这一特征,本文进一步开展了以"40Hz Gamma"脑电信号为操作条件的孤独症神经反馈干预研究.通过设置神经反馈(NFB)方案,来训练孤独症被试对Gamma节律脑电活动的自我控制和调节能力,通过强化和维持Gamma节律脑电活动来改善孤独症的高级认知功能.研究结果表明,rTMS和NFB能够以无损伤的方式,实现对孤独症异常认知和生理机制的调控,改善孤独症异常脑功能,进而减少孤独症的行为异常.