A precise localization for mobile target in wireless sensor networks is presented in this letter,where a geometrical relationship is explored to improve the location estimation for mobile target,in-stead of a simple centroid approach.The equations of location compensation algorithm for mobiletarget are derived based on linear trajectory prediction and sensor selective activation.The resultsbased on extensive simulation experiments show that the compensation algorithm gets better per-formance in metrics of quality of tracking and energy efficiency with the change of sensor sensing range,the ratio of sensing range and sensor activation range,and the data sampling rate than traditionalmethods,which means our proposing can achieve better quality-energy tradeoff for mobile target inwireless sensor networks.
降低能耗是无线传感器网络研究中重要内容之一.节点间数据传输能耗很大,合理调节传输功率,对降低网络能耗非常重要.本文引入PID算法,通过调节每个节点传输功率,动态控制整个网络的传输能耗.MATLAB仿真结果显示,该算法在几种不同的部署情况下,比LMA(local mean algorithm)及其它几种方法在网络启动能耗和启动时耗指标下都更为有效.