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3 条 记 录,以下是 1-3
Characteristics of Airgun Signals Excited in the Yangtze River from Analysis of Data from Permanent Stations被引量:1
The Anhui Experiment, a pilot experiment of "Yangtze River Geoscience Project "conducted in October,2015,is a large active-source experiment using airgun sources. It was the first 3-dimensional seismic survey with active sources in the Yangtze River. The sources are airguns in 20 fixed shot points,and the observation system consists mainly of109 permanent stations and 11 wide-angle profiles. Using the data from permanent stations,we investigated the seismic signals generated by airgun sources in the Yangtze River. The results show that the airgun signals are observable in the records from permanent stations to a maximum distance of 300 km. Further analysis on absolute amplitude of airgun signals shows that:( 1) the strength of airgun signals is of the order of10 nm at 50 km away from the source,and then,decreases significantly to less than 1nm at 200 km;( 2) an azimuthal anisotropy is observed in spatial distribution of the strength of airgun signals,which may be related to the geometry of Yangtze River; and( 3) a low ambient noise level is essential for retrieving weak airgun signals from the records,and the high-quality China National Seismic Network and regional networks offer a great opportunity to retrieving airgun signals with amplitude as small as nanometers.
Xu YiheWang BaoshanWang Weitao
Preliminary Results of Tomography from Permanent Stations in the Anhui Airgun Experiment被引量:3
In order to explore the ability of airgun sources in imaging the crustal structure,we conducted an experiment along the Yangzte River at the section from Ma 'anshan to Anqing using an offshore airgun source( referred as the Anhui Airgun Experiment).During the experiment,the airgun source was fired 2973 times at 20 multiple shot points,while 109 permanent stations and 700 temporary stations( 11 profiles) were used to record the signal. For 20 multiple shot points,we picked up 335 P-wave arrivals at 52 permanent stations. Then we obtained the P-wave velocity structure of the crust beneath the southern tip of the Tancheng-Lujiang( Tan-Lu) fault. The preliminary result of P-wave velocity structure confirms the possibility of 3D body wave imaging using large volume airgun sources. The imaged velocity heterogeneity at a depth of 15 km is correlated to the geological settings. High velocity anomaly beneath the Qinling-Dabie orogenic belt could be explained by the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks in the deep region,while the low velocity anomaly at the Yangtze River region may correspond to the special background of mineralization.
Zhang YunpengWang BaoshanWang WeitaoXu Yihe
由背景噪声互相关重建格林函数的技术已在地震学中得到了广泛应用,对背景噪声能量的空间分布、强度的季节变化的研究有利于认识噪声互相关函数对格林函数的收敛性.文中利用宁夏及其周边地区33个宽频带台站2008年1月至2012年11月垂直分量的连续记录,计算了两两台站间的互相关函数,并对该地区5~ 10s及10~20s的背景噪声能量的优势方位及强度随季节的变化进行了分析.结果表明,5~10s的能量主要来自于中国东部的海岸线,其强度具有明显的季节性变化;10~20s的噪声能量不仅强度具有季节性的变化,其优势方向也随季节具有明显变化,受到多个大洋的交替影响.研究表明,宁夏及其邻区的背景噪声场具有较为复杂的特征,在进行后续研究时要予以充分考虑.