This paper implemented cooling configuration design on certain gas turbine HP rotor using parameterized method.It is convenient for complicated gas turbine blade modeling using parameters and also benefit for the geometry modify in later period.Parameterized modeling is the foundation of air cooling turbine blade design method engineering application.Mesh quality can be awarded when generated complicated cooling configuration blade grids,and also the increase of calculation error can arise by many mesh blocks.Film cooling and serpentine passage can effectively enhance the cooling effectiveness and protect blade.
The investigation is intended to verify a coupled solver developed for turbines to illustrate how transition exerts effects on the predicted thermal loads. The solver couples the N-S solver named HIT-3D, with a thermal conduction module using the finite difference method. Three operating conditions of the NASA-MarkII vane are selected to be the cases for tests. The models used in the simulations include Baldwin-Lomax (B-L) algebraic model, q-ω low-Re model and B-L & Abu-Ghannam and Shaw (AGS) model. The pre...
In this paper,the AUSMPW scheme based on adaptive algorithm of multi-wavelets is presented to solve two dimensional Euler equations.This scheme based on the original AUSMPW scheme uses the multiwavelets for multi-level decomposition of the function and uses the method of the valve's value to construct adaptive grid to improve AUSMPW scheme.The obtained press and density have beed compared with those of results calculated by original AUSMPW scheme and WENO scheme.The numerical results demonstrate that this method has higher resolution.