使用聚焦深度表面测量(DFF)方法对加速栅极下游表面腐蚀深度进行了测量,并将测量结果与数值模拟结果进行了比较,所使用的数值方法为PIC-Monte Carlo方法.利用数值模拟程序对离子发动机栅极腐蚀进行了数值模拟.以氙为推进剂,栅极材料为钼.用蒙特卡罗方法模拟了氙离子与中性氙原子之间的电荷交换碰撞.模拟得到了加速栅极下游表面离子溅射腐蚀的深度分布,腐蚀模式与"Pits and grooves"模式相吻合.
A three-dimensional particle simulation of ion thruster optics with charge-exchange collision was developed in this study. The simulation code was based on tracking ions using the particle-in-cell method, and the Monte Carlo technique was used to model the charge-exchange collision. Simulations were performed for a 20 cm ion thruster optics. The results were compared with the corresponding experimental data from a test of the ion thruster optics for a duration of 800 hours. The Depth-From-Focus (DFF) method was used to measure the erosion depth of the downstream surface of the accelerator grid. The predicted erosion depth of the accelerator grid was consistent reasonably with the corresponding experimental data. The simulation results showed that the accelerator grid would be burned through after 1333 hours.
采用单元内粒子(PIC,Particle-In-Cell)方法对离子发动机光学系统进行了等离子体粒子模拟.PIC方法可有效地对等离子体进行粒子模拟,其中电场求解采用SOR(Succes-sive Over Relaxation)方法,离子加速方法采用蛙跳格式.推进剂采用氙,模拟粒子为单核离子.模拟得到了栅极间电势分布、电场强度分布及栅极间氙离子数密度分布.计算结果表明,在所取的光学系统电压参数和几何参数下,粒子束能够顺利通过栅极孔,不会撞击到栅极孔壁上.粒子模拟为今后开展离子发动机光学系统腐蚀机理分析及寿命评估提供了有效的数值方法.