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作品数:3 被引量:7H指数:2


  • 3篇中文期刊文章


  • 3篇理学
  • 2篇动力工程及工...


  • 2篇SGS
  • 2篇TURBUL...
  • 2篇USM
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  • 2篇TWO-PH...
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  • 2篇2011
  • 1篇2010
3 条 记 录,以下是 1-3
Comparison of Gas Particle Flow Prediction from Large Eddy Simulation and Reynolds-Averaging Navier-Stokes Modeling被引量:1
In order to account for the effect of particle existence on gas-particle turbulence flow in large-eddy simulation (LES),a new gas-particle turbulent kinetic energy subgrid-scale (SGS) turbulence model is established,and the effect of particle wake is also considered in gas turbulent kinetic energy SGS turbulence model.Simulation of gas-particle turbulence flow in backward-facing step is carried out by LES using present model and by unified second-order moment (USM) model.The prediction statistical results including mean velocity and fluctuation velocity by LES using present model are in reasonable agreement with the experimental results.It is shown that present model is with higher calculating accuracy than USM model,which indicates that the turbulent kinetic energy SGS turbulence model is suitable.
Second-order moment modeling of dispersed two-phase turbulence——Part 1:USM,k-ε-k_p,and non-linear k-ε-k_p two-phase turbulence models被引量:4
Turbulent dispersed multiphase flows,including gas-particle,gas-droplet and bubble-liquid flows,are widely encountered in various engineering facilities.Modeling of two-phase turbulence,in particular the dispersed phase turbulence,is the key problem in the Eulerian-Eulerian simulation of practical dispersed multiphase flows.Although different models were developed and used,the experimental validation shows that they cannot always give satisfactory prediction results.In this paper the present author give a detailed review of the unified second-order moment (USM),k-k p and nonlinear k-k p two-phase turbulence models,proposed by him.The derivation and closure of these models are described in detail and the experimental validation and application of these models are extensively discussed.
Second-order moment modeling of dispersed two-phase turbulence-Part 2-USM-Θ two-phase turbulence model and USM-SGS two-phase stress model被引量:2
Dense gas-particle flows are frequently encountered in fluidized beds,riser and downer reactors,pneumatic transport and the near-wall zone of dilute gas-particle flows.Particle-particle collision plays an important role in the behavior of two-phase flows.In this paper a USM-Q two-phase turbulence model for dense gas-particle flows is proposed to account for both two-phase turbulence and inter-particle collision.For two-fluid large-eddy simulation of gas-particle flows,the author proposed a unified second-order moment(USM) two-phase SGS stress model and a two-phase k-kp SGS energy-equation stress model.The proposed models can fully account for the interaction between the gas and particle SGS stresses.