In this article, we extend the definition of uniformly starlike functions and uni- formly convex functions on the unit disk to the unit ball in C^n, give the discriminant criterions for them, and get some inequalities for them.
Let pj ∈ N and pj≥ 1, j = 2, …, k, k ≥ 2 be a fixed positive integer. We introduce a Roper-Suffridge extension operator on the following Reinhardt domain ΩN ={z =(z1, z′2,…, z′k)′∈ C × C^n2×…× Cnk: |z1|^2+ ||z2||2^p2+ … + ||zk ||k^pk〈 1} given〈1} give by F(z)=(f(z1)+f'(z1)∑j=2 kPj(zj,(f'(z1))1/p2 z2',…,(f'(z1))1/pkzk')', where f is a normaljized biholomorphic function k(z) =(f(z1) + f′(z1)=2 on the unit disc D, and for 2 ≤ j ≤ k, Pj : C^nj→ C is a homogeneous polynomial of degree pj and zj =(zj1, …, zjnj)′∈ C^nj, nj ≥ 1, pj ≥ 1,||zj||j =(∑l=1 nj|zjl|^pj)1/pj. In this paper, some conditions for Pjare found under which the loperator p |zjl|pj=1reserves the properties of almost starlikeness of order α, starlikeness of order αand strongly starlikeness of order α on ΩN, respectively.
In this paper, we give a property of normalized biholomorphic convex mappings on the first, second and third classical domains: for any Z0 belongs to the classical domains,f maps each neighbourhood with the center Z0, which is contained in the classical domains,to a convex domain.