In this paper, the so-called Riemann-Hilbert compound boundary value problems for hyperanalytic functions are considered, include the compound value problems for simply connected regions and open arcs, we get these solutions.
Under the foundation of Hermitean Clifford setting, we define the fundamental operators for complex Clifford algebra valued fimctions, obtain some properties of these operators, and discuss a representation of sl(2; C ) on Clifford algebra of even dimension.
In this article, we mainly develop the foundation of a new function theory of several complex variables with values in a complex Clifford algebra defined on some subdomains of C^n+l, so-called complex holomorphic Cliffordian functions. We define the complex holomorphic Cliffordian functions, study polynomial and singular solutions of the equation D△^mf= 0, obtain the integral representation formula for the complex holo-morphic Cliffordian functions with values in a complex Clifford algebra defined on some submanifolds of C^n+1, deduce the Taylor expansion and the Laurent expansion for them and prove an invariance under an action of Lie group for them.
In this article, Haseman boundary value problem for a class of meta-analytic functions is studied. The expression of solution and the condition of solvability for Haseman boundary value problem are obtained by changing the problem discussed into the equivalent Haseman boundary value problem of bi-analytic function. And the expression of solution and the condition of solvability depend on the canonical matrix.