In this paper we will obtain a Stone type theorem under the frame of Hilbert C*-module, such that the classical Stone theorem is our special case. Then we use it as a main tool to obtain a spectrum decomposition theorem of certain stationary quantum stochastic process. In the end, we will give it an interpretation in statistical mechanics of multi-linear response.
The PHC criterion and the realignment criterion for pure states in infinite-dimensional bipartite quantum systems are given. Furthermore, several equivalent conditions for pure states to be separable are generalized to infinite-dimensional systems.
Let M and N be the yon Neumann algebras induced by the rational action of the group SL2(R) and its subgroup P on the upper half plane H. We have shown that N is spatial isomorphic to the group von Neumann algebra Lp and characterized M and its commutant M' and gotten a generalization of the Mautner's lemma. It is also shown that the Berezin operator commutates with the Laplaeian operator.
Let A be a factor von Neumann algebra and Ф be a nonlinear surjective map from A onto itself. We prove that, if Ф satisfies that Ф(A)Ф(B) - Ф(B)Ф(A)* -- AB - BA* for all A, B ∈ A, then there exist a linear bijective map ψA →A satisfying ψ(A)ψ(B) - ψ(B)ψ(A)* = AB - BA* for A, B ∈ A and a real functional h on A with h(0) -= 0 such that Ф(A) = ψ(A) + h(A)I for every A ∈ A. In particular, if .4 is a type I factor, then, Ф(A) = cA + h(A)I for every A ∈ .4, where c = ±1.
Let N and M be nests on Banach spaces X and Y over the real or complex field F, respectively, with the property that if M ∈ M such that M_ =M, then M is complemented in Y. Let AlgN and AlgM be the associated nest algebras. Assume that Ф : AlgN → AlgM is a bijective map. It is proved that, if dim X = ∞ and if there is a nontrivial element in N which is complemented in X, then Ф is Lie multiplicative (i.e. Ф([A, B]) = [Ф(A), Ф(B)] for all A, B ∈ AlgN) if and only if Ф has the form Ф(A) = TAT^-1 + τ(A) for all A ∈ AlgAN or Ф(A) = -TA^*T^-1 + τ(A) for all A ∈ AlgN, where T is an invertible linear or conjugate linear operator and τ : AlgN →FI is a map with τ([A, B]) = 0 for all A, B ∈ AlgN. The Lie multiplicative maps are also characterized for the case dim X 〈 ∞.