A low power 12Gb/s single-stage 1 : 4 demultiplexer (DEMUX) applied in SONET OC-192 is realized in TSMC's mix-signal 0. 25μm CMOS. All of the circuits are in source coupled FET logic (SCFL) to achieve as high a speed as possible and suppress common mode distortions. This DEMUX is featured for achieving singlestage demultiplexing by using a quarter-rate IQ clock. This method not only reduces the components of the DEMUX but also lowers its power dissipation. The fabricated DEMUX operates error free at 12Gb/s by 231 - 1 pseudorandom bit sequences in on-wafer testing. The chip size is 0. 9mm × 0.9mm and the power dissipation is only 210mW with a single 2.5V supply.