Anumber of therapies have been developed in the past decades.About two thirds of patients can be seizure free with antiepileptic drugs.1 Other patients are drug resistant,some of whom are good candidates for epileptic focus resection and become seizure free after surgery.2 The treatment for drug-resistant patients who are not eligible for resection is still challenging.Traditionally,these patients can receive palliative surgery such as callosotomy and multiple subpial transection,3,4 but the long-term outcomes of these procedures are not satisfactory.5-7 In the past decades,neuromodulation techniques have been applied in the treatment of epilepsy.Much evidence has been accumulated about the therapeutic effects of vagus nerve stimulation for epilepsy.In contrast to peripheral nerve stimulation,brain stimulation techniques have also been developed for patients with epilepsy recently.
Lu YingzhiRen QingtaoZong LiWu YingliZhang QinfengMa XiuqingPu JinyuDong HanzhenLiu QingqingTang YunxiangSong LishengChen XingshiPan XiaoCui Yi
目的探讨精神病风险综合征(clinical high risk of psychosis,CHR)者听觉事件相关电位P300波幅、潜伏期以及认知功能的特征。方法采用Oddball范式,对36例CHR者(研究组)和35名正常对照(对照组)进行事件相关电位P300测定,利用MATRICS成套认知测试评估两组被试认知功能,中文版精神病风险综合征定式访谈中精神疾病高危症状量表(scale of psychosis-risk symptoms,SOPS)评估CHR者临床症状。结果研究组信息处理速度、注意/警觉性、工作记忆、词语学习、视觉学习、推理和问题解决以及社会认知等7个领域认知功能得分均差于对照组(P<0.01)。研究组Fz、Cz、Pz导联P300波幅比对照组降低(P<0.05),Pz导联P300潜伏期延长(P<0.05)。研究组Cz点P300潜伏期与SOPS阳性症状得分呈正相关(r=0.544,P=0.001),P300波幅与信息处理速度(言语流畅性)得分呈正相关(r=0.339,P=0.043)。结论 CHR者认知功能、事件相关电位P300存在异常。P300与CHR精神病症状、认知缺陷存在一定的相关性,提示其在精神病风险监控中的作用值得重视。